Monday, April 27, 2015

To use the German diet allowed no more frequently than once every 6 months. And, of course, review

German diet - a great way to preserve youth and vigor | Diets for weight loss
On this diet in Germany knows almost every woman. German diet - old diet, it is shared by many Germans not only to lose weight but keep it normal.
German nutritionists have developed their own recipes for weight loss, which are some rules to be observed. Only those women who will strictly adhere to them forever forget about the problems with the figure.
Most likely, these rules differ from your everyday eating behavior, but as they say - the beauty demands victims, and what they will be settled exclusively by you. Here are the rules: Always breakfast. That breakfast activates the metabolic process in the body and helps burn fat; when the next meal is still far away, and you greatly tormented by hunger - do not be afraid to bite. To do so, vegetables, fruits (banana, plum, apple) or unsweetened drink (a glass of kefir, yogurt), history of food in india which reduce appetite. Thus, you will ensure the normal amount of insulin in the body, thereby preventing the deposition of fat; add to salads often legumes - peas, beans. They contribute to the rapid saturation of the body and improve digestion; if you like potatoes, then eat it only cooked "in uniform". This method of preparation will help keep the potatoes all the nutrients and quickly satisfy hunger. However, know the measure, this vegetable is still better not to abuse; Try to limit your daily rate of only three coffee cups, because it causes the appetite history of food in india and significantly reduces the rate of metabolism in the body; in the evening for dinner. You are free to afford a piece of meat. Amino acids that are contained history of food in india in it during sleep activate the hormones that burn fat; try to completely abandon the dishes that combine history of food in india sugar with fat (Smetannikov, cakes, etc.); Make it a rule every morning is about the daily diet, which should not exceed 1000 kcal, if you want to lose weight considerably. history of food in india Carefully monitor the sufficient content history of food in india of carbohydrates (contained in vegetables, bread, rice); during history of food in india the preparation of meat or remove all the fat from it. German Diet - Menu
On the first day breakfast - coffee - 1 cup + cracker; For lunch - spinach + vegetable oil - a small portion, tomato - 1 pc, boiled eggs - 2 pieces; At dinner - salad of fresh tomatoes and green onions, seasoned with vegetable oil, meat cutlet (ideally history of food in india - steamed).
On the second day breakfast - tea or coffee - 1 cup + cracker; For lunch - orange - 1 pc (allowed to replace mandarins - 2 pcs, grapefruit - 1 pc, plums or apples - 1 pc), white cabbage salad + fresh tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil - 200 g; At dinner - green salad, boiled meat - 200 grams, boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
On the fourth day breakfast - apple juice with no added sugar - 1 cup; For lunch - tomato - 1 pc, boiled or steamed fish - 250 grams, apple - 1 pc; At dinner - green salad with dressing in the form of vegetable oil and lemon juice - 150 g, meat cutlet history of food in india - 1 pc.
On the fifth day breakfast - fresh carrot juice - 1 cup; For lunch - Green salad with vegetable history of food in india oil - 100 grams, history of food in india fried chicken - 200 g; At dinner - carrot history of food in india salad + vegetable oil - 200 grams, boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
On the sixth day breakfast - tea - 1 cup + cracker; For lunch - salad of cabbage with the dressing in the form of vegetable oil and lemon juice - 150 g, grilled veal or beef - 200 g; At dinner - carrot salad + vegetable oil - 100 grams, cheese - 150 gr.
It should be noted that this embodiment of the German diet little softer than 7 weeks German diet. Reviews slimming indicate that the German system of diet, though tough, but effective, so strictly observe the recommended rules and the result history of food in india will not be long in coming. German diet contraindications
Now contraindications. There is no system of weight loss in which they would not be, but here they are kept to a minimum. It all depends on your medical condition, which before the weight loss you should always consult a doctor.
To use the German diet allowed no more frequently than once every 6 months. And, of course, review your daily diet and lifestyle. This will help you to fix the weight at the desired history of food in india point.
diet look very cool and so long ... but observing it can be anything to eat, even if harmless))) history of food in india has chosen the German diet for 2-3 weeks, there are seven well, does not stand ... confer on this technique hopes ...
31.08.2012 Zina year ago stroynela on this diet and dropped 12 kg (although a month before lost weight on grapefruit - managed to get rid of only 2.5 kg). During the year, the weight history of food in india held, but in the spring I still nab

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