Bee Podmore main source for chitosan and melanin sugar factory paris las vegas with unique healing properties. The active substance chitosan perfectly heals skin affected by burns, leaving no scars, analgesic and able to stop the bleeding.
The main feature is the ability of melanin to absorb ultraviolet rays, effectively protecting the skin to bind heavy metals and other harmful elements, and creams on the basis of melanin have antibacterial properties.
The use of mixed in different proportions of chitosan and melanin enhances the properties of therapeutic sugar factory paris las vegas drugs. By using the melanin-chitosan complex significantly reduced the level of cholesterol in the blood, normal function of the intestine, a decrease in toxin intoxication, reduces the probability of atherosclerosis and diabetes.
At home, for medicinal purposes can be used alone bee Podmore. sugar factory paris las vegas It should be noted that the experts distinguish winter Podmore, save up in the hive for winter and spring-summer and autumn, which managed sugar factory paris las vegas to collect during the field season. Dead animals of bees collected in the winter, it is not recommended to take in, because their stomachs are filled with feces, however, the winter "harvest" is successfully used in folk medicine sugar factory paris las vegas in the form of ointments and tinctures for external use.
In the spring and summer and autumn sugar factory paris las vegas periods of dead animals carefully selected from the hive, thoroughly dried and stored in a freezer. Podmore bees collected in this period, is used in the form of decoctions and steamed, tinctures and ointments, and sometimes it just fried.
Here are some popular recipes of traditional medicine in the use of bee Podmore medical sugar factory paris las vegas purposes. Diseases of the genitourinary system. sugar factory paris las vegas The recipe is as follows: carefully purified bee Podmore fill a glass jar, pour 60 - 70% spirtovodnym solution, with the liquid level must be less than 3 cm, the Podmore. Infuse in a dark and cool place for 2 weeks. Strained through cheesecloth sugar factory paris las vegas and transfused into a clean bottle, tincture of bee Podmore take 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day before meals for a month. Ready solution should be kept in a dark room recommend at room temperature. Diabetes. In diabetes, use the following recipe: preparing a 5% alcoholic extract sugar factory paris las vegas of bee Podmore. The daily dose is 15 drops after a meal. With bruises. Very effective in the treatment sugar factory paris las vegas of injuries gadgets from the infusion of bee Podmore. Vascular diseases using the following recipe: sugar factory paris las vegas 2 tablespoons. spoon bee Podmore pour a glass of hot vegetable oil. After the oil has cooled slightly moistened cloth it is applied to the affected area until cool. Treatment of hypertension. 200 grams Podmore sugar factory paris las vegas pour 2 liters sugar factory paris las vegas of water and simmer on low heat for 40 minutes. The cooled mixture was filtered through a double gauze and taken orally before sugar factory paris las vegas meals with 50 ml of 15 days. Store the resulting broth should be refrigerated. The recipe for the treatment sugar factory paris las vegas of myopia. 2 tbsp. teaspoon freshly fried bee Podmore 150 ml of oil for 7-8 minutes. The cooled mixture is thoroughly pulverized taken orally twice a day before meals for 1 st. spoon. The course of treatment is 1 month, after a short break, the treatment is repeated. The recipe for improving vitality: carefully crushed 2 tbsp. spoon bee Podmore and insist on 1 cup of vodka for 2 weeks. Strained infusion is used twice a day for 20 drops for 2 months.
As an effect of the tincture can be identified increased activity, vigor of mind and body. Noted the beneficial effects of bee tinctures Pomorie on state immunity, cardiovascular system, a decrease in cerebral vascular pathologies. Tincture is recommended as the most effective preventive agent for developing dementia. Podmore is used for the treatment of mastitis, mastitis and varicose veins. The recipe is 200 grams of hardening individuals bees in boiling water and letting it sit for half an hour. To steam, thus obtained, then lightly pressed and through dense gauze or cloth is applied to the inflamed area and covered with cellophane. A common prescription for the treatment of joint and muscle pain, thrombophlebitis: bee Podmore ground and pour 1 cup of hot vegetable oil. Stored in the refrigerator and rubbed into the skin at the first pain. Recipe from Giardia: preparing tincture Podmore on alcohol and apply 25 drops daily for a month after a meal. It should be noted that the use of bee Podmore and tincture of it is detrimental in respect of Treponema pallidum and streptococci.
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