Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Now there is an opportunity to buy a good electric steamer, which allows you to cook several dishes

Prepare various dishes for your baby, we pay maximum attention mixer roti bekas to the freshness and quality of its ingredients. But sometimes completely forget that the use of food depends on the method of preparation. Make a dish is not only delicious, but also useful to allow cooking for a couple. mixer roti bekas And so steamed! This is one of the oldest methods of cooking, which saves natural mixer roti bekas color, taste and smell of processed products. But its main advantage is that when we are preparing for a couple, we keep most of the vitamins and minerals contained in vegetables, fruits, mixer roti bekas meat, fish and cereals.
When we cook for a couple, we put food by condensation mixer roti bekas high temperature (not above 100 C), food cooked in its own juices and the food is not saturated fats, as it happens during roasting. Furthermore, water soluble vitamins and minerals remain in the products and are not lost unlike cooking. For Steaming requires considerably less time than for other types of heat treatment. Your dish never foothills and not spoil, it does not need to turn or stir because all cooked evenly. Most recipes steamed as easy as in other ways.
Steam power is very useful for children. If an adult is sometimes difficult to give up on meat crispy or fried potatoes, the children, who have not yet had time to form their addiction to certain foods, steamed dishes sure to please. Such food is easy to digest, contains no calories mixer roti bekas and cholesterol, it strengthens the immune system and is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. After steaming dishes are juicy, and the products are vivid and very delicious, which is important for the child, because children mixer roti bekas love beautiful food.
Now there is an opportunity to buy a good electric steamer, which allows you to cook several dishes simultaneously tiers. Some of them have several modes of operation, are equipped with a timer and water level indicator, while they can maintain mixer roti bekas the temperature of the products after readiness. But if such a steamer is associated with some costs for its purchase and payment of electricity consumed, something as simple device for steaming, you can use the usual deep pan. At its bottom is necessary to pour fresh water, set top sieve and tightly closed. mixer roti bekas With such a device, you can easily get a healthy diet for a minimum of wasted time and be able to please their growing crumbs delicious dish, steamed. And so it is now ready for a couple!
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This is interesting: cook meat for the baby - a few helpful mixer roti bekas tips Cooking dumplings, or buy them at the store? Cooking Basics cauliflower child cooking from the World Health Organization, Fish dishes - proper cooking
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Monday, April 27, 2015

To use the German diet allowed no more frequently than once every 6 months. And, of course, review

German diet - a great way to preserve youth and vigor | Diets for weight loss
On this diet in Germany knows almost every woman. German diet - old diet, it is shared by many Germans not only to lose weight but keep it normal.
German nutritionists have developed their own recipes for weight loss, which are some rules to be observed. Only those women who will strictly adhere to them forever forget about the problems with the figure.
Most likely, these rules differ from your everyday eating behavior, but as they say - the beauty demands victims, and what they will be settled exclusively by you. Here are the rules: Always breakfast. That breakfast activates the metabolic process in the body and helps burn fat; when the next meal is still far away, and you greatly tormented by hunger - do not be afraid to bite. To do so, vegetables, fruits (banana, plum, apple) or unsweetened drink (a glass of kefir, yogurt), history of food in india which reduce appetite. Thus, you will ensure the normal amount of insulin in the body, thereby preventing the deposition of fat; add to salads often legumes - peas, beans. They contribute to the rapid saturation of the body and improve digestion; if you like potatoes, then eat it only cooked "in uniform". This method of preparation will help keep the potatoes all the nutrients and quickly satisfy hunger. However, know the measure, this vegetable is still better not to abuse; Try to limit your daily rate of only three coffee cups, because it causes the appetite history of food in india and significantly reduces the rate of metabolism in the body; in the evening for dinner. You are free to afford a piece of meat. Amino acids that are contained history of food in india in it during sleep activate the hormones that burn fat; try to completely abandon the dishes that combine history of food in india sugar with fat (Smetannikov, cakes, etc.); Make it a rule every morning is about the daily diet, which should not exceed 1000 kcal, if you want to lose weight considerably. history of food in india Carefully monitor the sufficient content history of food in india of carbohydrates (contained in vegetables, bread, rice); during history of food in india the preparation of meat or remove all the fat from it. German Diet - Menu
On the first day breakfast - coffee - 1 cup + cracker; For lunch - spinach + vegetable oil - a small portion, tomato - 1 pc, boiled eggs - 2 pieces; At dinner - salad of fresh tomatoes and green onions, seasoned with vegetable oil, meat cutlet (ideally history of food in india - steamed).
On the second day breakfast - tea or coffee - 1 cup + cracker; For lunch - orange - 1 pc (allowed to replace mandarins - 2 pcs, grapefruit - 1 pc, plums or apples - 1 pc), white cabbage salad + fresh tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil - 200 g; At dinner - green salad, boiled meat - 200 grams, boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
On the fourth day breakfast - apple juice with no added sugar - 1 cup; For lunch - tomato - 1 pc, boiled or steamed fish - 250 grams, apple - 1 pc; At dinner - green salad with dressing in the form of vegetable oil and lemon juice - 150 g, meat cutlet history of food in india - 1 pc.
On the fifth day breakfast - fresh carrot juice - 1 cup; For lunch - Green salad with vegetable history of food in india oil - 100 grams, history of food in india fried chicken - 200 g; At dinner - carrot history of food in india salad + vegetable oil - 200 grams, boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
On the sixth day breakfast - tea - 1 cup + cracker; For lunch - salad of cabbage with the dressing in the form of vegetable oil and lemon juice - 150 g, grilled veal or beef - 200 g; At dinner - carrot salad + vegetable oil - 100 grams, cheese - 150 gr.
It should be noted that this embodiment of the German diet little softer than 7 weeks German diet. Reviews slimming indicate that the German system of diet, though tough, but effective, so strictly observe the recommended rules and the result history of food in india will not be long in coming. German diet contraindications
Now contraindications. There is no system of weight loss in which they would not be, but here they are kept to a minimum. It all depends on your medical condition, which before the weight loss you should always consult a doctor.
To use the German diet allowed no more frequently than once every 6 months. And, of course, review your daily diet and lifestyle. This will help you to fix the weight at the desired history of food in india point.
diet look very cool and so long ... but observing it can be anything to eat, even if harmless))) history of food in india has chosen the German diet for 2-3 weeks, there are seven well, does not stand ... confer on this technique hopes ...
31.08.2012 Zina year ago stroynela on this diet and dropped 12 kg (although a month before lost weight on grapefruit - managed to get rid of only 2.5 kg). During the year, the weight history of food in india held, but in the spring I still nab

Cook food better on low heat with the lid closed tightly as possible using vegetable oil. Such a pr

Cook food better on low heat with the lid closed tightly as possible using vegetable oil. Such a preparation method allows to save nutrients and to facilitate digestion. Unfortunately, yogurt expiration the average citizen of the Western world can eat raw food only in limited quantities. He usually does not have enough enzymes for its assimilation. Food, heat-treated, uses less digestion. Raw food in a large quantity can only for weight reduction and purification (except fruit). Fruit is usually recommended to eat raw. However, sometimes even fruit should be cooked over a fire. Cereals should be always ready. Germinated seeds - this is not a grain, yogurt expiration but rather a vegetable, and therefore yogurt expiration relatively easy to digest, also contains a lot less carbs. Carbohydrates needed by the body as playing an important role in the construction of tissue, but their excess yogurt expiration can lead to the formation of excessive mucus.
Cooking is an art - an intimate pleasure, a gift to the people you love. The kitchen yogurt expiration need to come with clean hands, clean apron, and the workplace should be neat. Never cook, if you are at odds, in a bad mood. Man - a being energy, and our energy is added to the energy of the food that we prepare. If in the process yogurt expiration of cooking, such as singing, the food is enriched with positive energy.
- A good wok (round-bottomed yogurt expiration pan with cooking in boiling oil); - Wooden lids for pots; - Insert into the pot for cooking for a couple; - Pressure cooker; - Deep cast-iron pan with a long handle; - A good set of knives made of stainless steel; - Plastic cutting boards for meat (to prevent bacterial contamination).
Make sure that the kitchen was clean, conveniently organized so that all necessary has been always at hand, and then cook it will be easier and more enjoyable. Good to have a cookbook and even cooking classes.
But remember - not everyone is ready to eat monotonous, though healthy food every day, especially if they only get used to nutrition. Use a variety of recipes Thai, Chinese and other cuisines of the world, study macrobiotics, selecting those recipes yogurt expiration and techniques that suit you and your family.
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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Here are some popular recipes of traditional medicine in the use of bee Podmore medical sugar facto

Bee Podmore main source for chitosan and melanin sugar factory paris las vegas with unique healing properties. The active substance chitosan perfectly heals skin affected by burns, leaving no scars, analgesic and able to stop the bleeding.
The main feature is the ability of melanin to absorb ultraviolet rays, effectively protecting the skin to bind heavy metals and other harmful elements, and creams on the basis of melanin have antibacterial properties.
The use of mixed in different proportions of chitosan and melanin enhances the properties of therapeutic sugar factory paris las vegas drugs. By using the melanin-chitosan complex significantly reduced the level of cholesterol in the blood, normal function of the intestine, a decrease in toxin intoxication, reduces the probability of atherosclerosis and diabetes.
At home, for medicinal purposes can be used alone bee Podmore. sugar factory paris las vegas It should be noted that the experts distinguish winter Podmore, save up in the hive for winter and spring-summer and autumn, which managed sugar factory paris las vegas to collect during the field season. Dead animals of bees collected in the winter, it is not recommended to take in, because their stomachs are filled with feces, however, the winter "harvest" is successfully used in folk medicine sugar factory paris las vegas in the form of ointments and tinctures for external use.
In the spring and summer and autumn sugar factory paris las vegas periods of dead animals carefully selected from the hive, thoroughly dried and stored in a freezer. Podmore bees collected in this period, is used in the form of decoctions and steamed, tinctures and ointments, and sometimes it just fried.
Here are some popular recipes of traditional medicine in the use of bee Podmore medical sugar factory paris las vegas purposes. Diseases of the genitourinary system. sugar factory paris las vegas The recipe is as follows: carefully purified bee Podmore fill a glass jar, pour 60 - 70% spirtovodnym solution, with the liquid level must be less than 3 cm, the Podmore. Infuse in a dark and cool place for 2 weeks. Strained through cheesecloth sugar factory paris las vegas and transfused into a clean bottle, tincture of bee Podmore take 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day before meals for a month. Ready solution should be kept in a dark room recommend at room temperature. Diabetes. In diabetes, use the following recipe: preparing a 5% alcoholic extract sugar factory paris las vegas of bee Podmore. The daily dose is 15 drops after a meal. With bruises. Very effective in the treatment sugar factory paris las vegas of injuries gadgets from the infusion of bee Podmore. Vascular diseases using the following recipe: sugar factory paris las vegas 2 tablespoons. spoon bee Podmore pour a glass of hot vegetable oil. After the oil has cooled slightly moistened cloth it is applied to the affected area until cool. Treatment of hypertension. 200 grams Podmore sugar factory paris las vegas pour 2 liters sugar factory paris las vegas of water and simmer on low heat for 40 minutes. The cooled mixture was filtered through a double gauze and taken orally before sugar factory paris las vegas meals with 50 ml of 15 days. Store the resulting broth should be refrigerated. The recipe for the treatment sugar factory paris las vegas of myopia. 2 tbsp. teaspoon freshly fried bee Podmore 150 ml of oil for 7-8 minutes. The cooled mixture is thoroughly pulverized taken orally twice a day before meals for 1 st. spoon. The course of treatment is 1 month, after a short break, the treatment is repeated. The recipe for improving vitality: carefully crushed 2 tbsp. spoon bee Podmore and insist on 1 cup of vodka for 2 weeks. Strained infusion is used twice a day for 20 drops for 2 months.
As an effect of the tincture can be identified increased activity, vigor of mind and body. Noted the beneficial effects of bee tinctures Pomorie on state immunity, cardiovascular system, a decrease in cerebral vascular pathologies. Tincture is recommended as the most effective preventive agent for developing dementia. Podmore is used for the treatment of mastitis, mastitis and varicose veins. The recipe is 200 grams of hardening individuals bees in boiling water and letting it sit for half an hour. To steam, thus obtained, then lightly pressed and through dense gauze or cloth is applied to the inflamed area and covered with cellophane. A common prescription for the treatment of joint and muscle pain, thrombophlebitis: bee Podmore ground and pour 1 cup of hot vegetable oil. Stored in the refrigerator and rubbed into the skin at the first pain. Recipe from Giardia: preparing tincture Podmore on alcohol and apply 25 drops daily for a month after a meal. It should be noted that the use of bee Podmore and tincture of it is detrimental in respect of Treponema pallidum and streptococci.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

For freezing mccain hash browns baby food servings you will need: special forms for freezing baby f

Almost every modern mum on the verge of an event such as the introduction of complementary feeding your baby wondering - what to choose? The finished food from jars or home cooking? And if the food from jars all clear, self-cooking for the baby may scare, especially those moms who and before the birth of a child is not very fond of cooking. In addition, neither every woman is capable of every day to prepare for the 100 grams of vegetable puree, and in fact more baby can not eat.
I hope that the simple guidelines on how to prepare and store baby food will help you to vary the menu your child's homemade dishes. Prepare baby food at home - simple rules Before you begin the process of preparing food, wash your hands. Of course, this seems obvious, but many people forget to do it! Make sure all the dishes washed and dried. We recommend mccain hash browns to dry the dishes, not to wipe it with a towel. Wash fruits and vegetables under running water. Highlight for cutting vegetables for baby separate board, which you'll only cut vegetables and fruits. If you only have one board, thoroughly wash and dry it before cooking. It is better to use a glass board. Hide the food in the refrigerator mccain hash browns for two hours after the alert, as further it may begin to grow bacteria. Prepare baby food at home - methods of preparation and storage soar Bake Cook Cooking in a microwave oven
This method mccain hash browns is good because mccain hash browns it allows you to keep food maximum of vitamins and nutrients. In order to prepare for a couple, you can use a steamer or colander just put on top of a pot of boiling water (be careful that the water would not reach for vegetables).
If you choose this method as cooking, keep in mind that, in order to preserve the nutrients and vitamins you should: Use the minimum amount of water Putting vegetables in boiling water to reduce cooking time required minimum
You can bake vegetables and fruits. Just cut them into small pieces, add to the pot and place in the preheated oven, add a little water beforehand. The product thus prepared is much tastier than boiled. mccain hash browns
Microwave as steamer, helps to keep the products in the most nutrients as vegetables cooked in it quickly. Even if you do not like the idea of cooking in this manner, for fast defrost device is irreplaceable! Cooked foods must beat blender or mash until puree.
You can make "wholesale" amount of food a month in advance and freeze it in the form of ice or a silicone cake pan. The duration of storage of certain products is as follows: Product Refrigerator Freezer cooked fruits and vegetables 2 - 3 days 1 - 3 months Meat 1 Day 1 - 2 months mixture of meat and vegetables 1 - 2 days 3 - 4 months Egg yolks 1 day 1 - 2 months
Remember that the food that is too long to store frozen may look good, but lose most of the vitamins and flavor achestva. Prepare baby food at home - how to freeze baby food?
For freezing mccain hash browns baby food servings you will need: special forms for freezing baby food (you can use molds for ice or silicone molds for cakes) mccain hash browns film for food bags for freezing mccain hash browns the string
Silicone molds for cakes After puree freezes, to shift portions mccain hash browns in freezer bags. Be sure to mark that is in the bag and date frozen. This will help you to use the products until the expiration date (see. Table above) or remove those that the baby manifested allergy. mccain hash browns
Instead of molds you can use the tray. Cover the baking paper it, Spoon mashed potatoes (one to two tablespoons per serving), cover with foil for baking tray and place in freezer. After freeze portions, to shift them into bags for freezing and label. Prepare baby food at home - right defrosting mccain hash browns food
Evening shift from the freezer mccain hash browns to the refrigerator portion of those that you want to give your baby the next day. Defrosting will take at least 4:00. If you hurry, you can use the microwave to defrost.
All food except fruit should be heated before being fed to a water bath or in a microwave oven. Mix thoroughly and be sure to try a portion that would be the food was warm (not hot or cold).
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For normal functioning of the intestines need food not only correct, but also regular. In today

Acne - is not just a problem of young people, many people are faced with it in adults and even the elderly. The appearance of acne is always associated with any disturbances in the body, in many cases, the cause of this problem are the disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, "slagging" of the body, an unhealthy diet. The state of our digestive system and body as a whole depends on what we eat, so the change in diet can help to cope not only with acne, but with other problems. General advice on diet for acne
The first step is to normalize bowel function, it is necessary to monitor the regularity of his discharge, because constipation contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, and the appearance of acne can be directly connected surya india with this problem. Regular natural self-cleansing of the body to help get rid of toxins that have accumulated in the body. Special attention should be paid to the state and the intestinal microflora, surya india since it plays a very important surya india role in the digestion of food.
To achieve the result, of course, should be excluded from the diet of many products and give up bad habits. surya india These habits in this situation should be attributed not only to smoking and alcohol consumption (from this it is necessary to give in the first place, or even the most strict diet may be ineffective), but overeating habit of eating before bedtime, eating fast food, sweets made with large number of dyes, preservatives surya india and other harmful additives.
For normal functioning of the intestines need food not only correct, but also regular. In today's hectic lifestyle rejection of a full breakfast, afternoon snack instead of lunch cold food and overeating at dinner, and worse at night - a familiar situation. If you want to get rid of acne, this shall not be for you. It is necessary to eat at least three times a day, preferably at the same time.
Particular attention should be given to ways of cooking. Fried foods, meats, marinades have to be avoided. Food prepared by methods such longer to digest nutrients (and their remains in such dishes quite a bit) are digested worse, besides the body gets an extra helping of carcinogens released during frying. The most useful food for the body - it is steamed surya india or baked in the oven (without the crust). The apparent advantage of these cooking methods is not only the preservation of nutrients, but also eliminate the need to use oil and cooking fats. Vegetables, fruits, berries best eaten fresh. What products are not recommended to use for acne?
Completely excluded from the diet is necessary to all fatty foods. The excess fat from food, not only deposited in the subcutaneous tissue and leads to obesity, surya india but also contributes surya india to an increased allocation of sebum, which clogs the pores and leads to acne. Excluded fatty meats and poultry meat products, lard, sausages, sharp cheeses, fatty dairy products, margarine.
The accumulation surya india of fat in the body and promotes the use of sweets. It is necessary to abandon surya india or at least to reduce the amount of sugar consumed, exclude from the diet of chocolate, confectionery, sweets, sweets with any dyes, preservatives, unnatural food additives.
And, of course, have to forget surya india about fast food and soft drinks (in addition to a list of absolutely no useful substances to the body in a glass of sweet soda contains about 2 tbsp. L. Sugar). surya india You also need to completely abandon the chips, salty and spicy croutons, crackers, snacks and other similar snacks. They all contain a large amount of salt, spices, oils and other flavoring agents that adversely affect the sebaceous glands and intestine. For this reason, the table will have to remove all condiments (horseradish, pepper, mustard, and others.), As well as refuse from vegetables that are rich in essential oils (garlic, onions, radishes, turnips).
Some drinks, such as coffee, cocoa, black tea, also had a negative impact on the work of the sebaceous glands and a skin condition in general. Therefore, the number should be reduced, and it is better to replace other drinks that are good for the body. What can and should have for acne?
The diet must contain sufficient amount of vegetables, surya india herbs, fruits, berries, from which you can make fresh juices. Particular attention should be paid to green vegetables and herbs (eg, regular lettuce and parsley - a storehouse of nutrients), ie. A. They contain large amounts of zinc, which is involved in the regulation of the sebaceous glands, reducing the production of fat. White bread should be replaced or rye bran.
The diet must be present lean meat, poultry and fish. Very useful for the organism morepro

Friday, April 24, 2015

Where it is profitable to buy air conditioning in Moscow and not to be trapped? mono

How to preserve vitamins in the process of cooking - Recipes with photos Povar.by
The benefits of vitamins for the human body says a lot. Our daily diet should include a sufficient number of them. In addition, many are trying to take extra vitamins purchased at a pharmacy. But is it necessary? After all those vitamins that contain natural products is much better absorbed by the body. Just the thing: heat-treated products, unfortunately, lose most beneficial properties. Is it possible to preserve them in the cooking process? Fortunately, we can minimize their losses, following some recommendations.
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There are a few simple rules that will help preserve the vitamins in the heat treatment products. 1) Vegetables and greens do not soak long enough to wash them under running water. 2) After grinding the product on a grater or sifting through a sieve or leave it outdoors, it is best just to shift it into utensils for cooking (except aluminum and copper). 3) Harvested products are best put in the boiling water, so they less time exposed mono & diglycerides to harmful heat treatment. 4) Elimination of vitamins during cooking facilitate addition of baking soda or baking powder, ammonium and other harmful additives which are used quite undesirable. 5) B vitamins enriched foods, which added yeast. mono & diglycerides 6) Canned retain nutrients more so if you use a vacuum process for their preparation. 7) The most useful way of cooking is baking. Image on a product within the crust keeps the juice and nutrients. Therefore, the sooner there is a crust, the better. For example, wet meat will languish long in the oven to dry - the crust in this case a later time to stand and juice. mono & diglycerides 8) Tasty fried food is not useful. A crust is formed during the roasting of the proteins changes the natural product. Recent changes especially when the heat treatment is too high, or rather when burning the food. Healthier fry food on the grill, especially for those who are not recommended to use too much fatty food. 9) Do not use a second remaining oil in a frying pan, pour immediately after cooking, and the next time, take a new one. Otherwise, the health of this does not increase. 10) To avoid damaging frying food can be processed at moderate temperatures in the milk or cream soup. They often turn watering food and liquid. 11) Do not forget about this method of cooking healthy foods like stewing. The vapor resulting from the evaporation of water softening products, so extinguishing the food does not need to fully immerse the water - this option less useful preparation.
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Thursday, April 23, 2015

15. On the accessories, gifts and various ornaments can save a decent, if you make them yourself. D

Many readers probably think that saving money at the present time - this is a very difficult job, you can even say that the impossible. However, with proper planning your budget you can always good to save. Our tips on saving money, surely help you. 50 ways to save your money:
1. Create your piggy bank. Daily saving money in a piggy bank its own, which will store only untouchable cash reserves, you can quickly gather a considerable sum of money.
2. Use the special coupons with great discount offers. By purchasing coupons on such food, household items and clothing, you can easily save enough money.
4. Try to eat more vegetarian food during the week. Chicken or beef is more expensive than vegetable dishes. Spaghetti with vegetables will cost a little bit cheaper, and it will help to save enough money for a month.
5. An insurance agent will always help you to solve many of the problems with your car. Take some time to draw up the documents bahan ko pataya to the insurance company, and then even at low cost, you can fix profitable, sell or lease your vehicle.
6. If you do not need light in the room, turn it off. It is only at first glance it seems that saving electricity is not too saves the family budget. In fact, with the correct bahan ko pataya energy savings during the month can save a few dollars, and in this area.
8. Learn how to polish the furniture. When you have mastered the art of furniture polish, you will not need to spend a lot of money to purchase bahan ko pataya additional decorations for the interior, because the furniture is beautiful shine by itself decorate the room.
9. buy clothes on sales and auctions. Discounts on clothes during the fairs are significant, bahan ko pataya but the quality is still high. So you can get at a good save quite a neat and nice clothes.
10. If you are renting a room or an apartment, you can find a neighbor. Paying for the room in half, you can postpone the rest of the money and save on more useful things. And to your free space in the family room was not broken, bahan ko pataya it is necessary to choose a neighbor of more mature age, because such a person will be more serious, bahan ko pataya will not hold nightly feasts.
12. Do not eat in a variety of restaurants or cafes. bahan ko pataya Better to prepare their own, homemade food. In the long term, homemade food will save money.
13. Buy a used car for yourself. Buying a car has been used before, after one or two years of operation, resulting in saving money. Quality and technical characteristics of the vehicle at the same time remain high.
14. Grow your own herbs. This is also a saving, especially in the winter when Ryn or shop greens are very expensive, and on your windowsill will be fresh parsley, onion and basil.
15. On the accessories, gifts and various ornaments can save a decent, if you make them yourself. Diy handmade - an exclusive gift that will be enjoyable for everyone.
16. Do not drink alcohol. It requires cost extra money, which can be simply in order to save postponed. Of course, you can sometimes allow myself a glass of good wine, but this practice should not be a daily or even weekly.
17. Prior to the purchase of products is very important to examine prices in different stores. Usually in the supermarkets, there are a variety of promotions and offers that can save you money. So try to study these proposals in good time to get on the best offer and have time to use it.
19. If you dye hair permanently - stop doing it. Return slowly to their natural hair color. Hair dye also costs money, so you'll have no staining also save money on painting.
20. Save and cultural entertainment. If there is a possibility - purchase discount coupons for going to the movies or exhibition in a museum or circuses. You can get a discount coupon for lunch at the restaurant.
21. Lunch at the restaurant should be done wisely. Usually there is a huge amount of charge for a variety of drinks with additives, fruit cocktails and mixes. Usually, if such expensive drinks are not ordered, you can save per year enough money.
24. print photos at home, without additional

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Healthy eating - it

Multivarka Panasonic or preserve vitamins | Vitamins
Healthy eating - it's tio jorge not only the choice of useful products, but also their proper tio jorge preparation. Vegetables, for example, can save valuable substances during cooking. As a result of studies of various methods of preparation of broccoli to identify least razruschayuschy vitamins were identified as follows: as a result the 10-minute boiling broccoli reduced by 40 percent tio jorge content of substances called glucosinolates having anticancer tio jorge action, 5-minute boiling leads to a loss of only 15 percent of the glucosinolates ; microwave treatment leads to a 97 percent loss of flavonoids that protect the body from disease; when frying broccoli loses two-thirds of flavonoids; steaming only leads to a 11 percent loss of flavonoids. tio jorge Thus, the study shows that the optimal from the point of view of safety of vitamins method tio jorge of cooking - steaming. Therefore, if you really care about your health, think about purchasing vsrez steamers. Modern home appliances market offers a variety of solutions. We will focus on one of the novelties of the market Steamer - Multivarki tio jorge Panasonic. Multivarka tio jorge Panasonic SR-TMH18 - compact device with great potential. She knows how to cook, floats, stew and bake. By double boiler attached collection with which you can prepare not only the familiar and favorite dishes you, but also dishes from cookbooks. Your table is required to decorate many dishes that you previously could not cook. This largely refers to dishes from cereals. Process for their preparation in Multivarki SR-TMH18 extremely simple, corresponds exactly to the rules of preparation of cereals and is very comfortable. Calculation of the required cooking time, its continued support and completion takes on a microprocessor. The result - excellent taste, as much as possible to ensure the special flavors and vitamins with a minimum of time spent on cooking time. The device implements all the cooking methods used in healthy eating. Customary and traditional, they do not require you to additional knowledge and skills. Braising, stewing (very popular now, Slow cook), baking - familiar and frequently used functions are conveniently accommodated in a single device. The designers have taken care not only about how to facilitate the process of cooking, but also give you the opportunity to plan it. Delay timer up to 13 hours will provide the finished dish to the correct hour. But if your plans change, do not worry: multivarka tio jorge SR-TMH18 not fail in this case. It does not just turn off after cooking, and goes into heating mode (or rather, keeping tio jorge the food hot) and 12 hours, your lunch will be waiting for you hot! In addition to the wonderful culinary abilities Multivarki SR-TMH18 many other advantages. Friable porridge with mushrooms and meat, various rice, milk porridge, casseroles, charlotte, muffins, a variety of stews, steamed vegetables, meat souffle ... the list can be endless. But is it worth? Cook, experiment. Multivarka Panasonic SR-TMH18 - a great tool for your culinary fantasies.
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Boiling. jesons Boil - a quick and easy way that does not require the addition of anything other th

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There is no ideal cooking methods, because in any case, heat treatment of food products there is a loss of nutrients. However, there are ways that preserve the greatest amount of vitamins and minerals contained in food.
There are many ways to cook juicy and aromatic food without adding tons of unnecessary additives. While most people when preparing healthy jesons food, do not think that way of cooking jesons affects the appearance of their dishes, however, it is necessary to pay attention to this side of cooking jesons products.
Studies show that heat treatment can destroy 15 to 20% of some vitamins contained in vegetables, especially vitamin C, folic acid and potassium, and as you can see below, some of the methods of preparation are more harmful than others! (This is why raw food fans refuse to cook at all, arguing that raw food retains all the nutritional value and helps to maintain optimum health).
But other studies show that certain foods can benefit from the preparation. For example, heat treatment of carrots, spinach, tomatoes helps release antioxidants, destroying cell walls, which provides an easier passage of the "good guys" of food into the body.
Microwave. This method of preparation can be a healthy manner because it leads to a minimum jesons loss of nutrients. In microwave cooking occurs by heating it from inside. Radio waves that radiate microwave, "excite" jesons the molecules in food (forcing them to move in all directions), causing them to generate heat, due to which food is prepared. During microwave cooking may be a slight drying of food, which can be easily avoided by adding a small amount of water or covered with wet paper towel dish. Cooking in the microwave oven allows you to avoid having to add oil (bonus points!). The best part of what you can afford while cooking in a microwave oven - it is an opportunity to combine vegetables with rice, meat and eggs (and studies show that it might just be one of the best ways to preserve nutrients in vegetables) . Just make sure that you use for making containers, which are suitable for microwave ovens! jesons If you are interested in extra large doses of vitamin jesons C, you know, cooking broccoli in a microwave oven - the best way to keep this vitamin in our beloved green. jesons
Boiling. jesons Boil - a quick and easy way that does not require the addition of anything other than water and a little salt. But in addition to a large amount of high temperature water are dissolved and washed from 60 to 70% of useful water-soluble vitamins are contained in the products! Although this method can wash vitamins and minerals from certain foods (especially vegetables), jesons studies actually suggest boiling as one of the best ways to preserve the nutrients in carrots, zucchini and broccoli (in comparison with steaming, frying or use them raw ).
Steaming. Preparation of fresh vegetables and fish fillets steamed allows you to cook these foods in their own juices, jesons keeping all the nutrients. (Again, no need to add fat and water!) It's always good if you first add a little seasoning, whether jesons salt or lemon juice. If the fight against jesons carcinogens is important to you, you know - some studies show that cooking broccoli steamed helps keep glucosinolates contained in these little green inflorescences. jesons It is known that in the body, glucosinolates are converted to isothiocyanates, so-called, which inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Quenching. As vegetables by boiling, jesons stewing not require adding any fat. In principle, the quenching means cooking jesons food in a small amount of hot water (just below reflux temperature). jesons It takes a little more time (some experts believe that it reduces the nutritional value of food), but it's a great way to gently cook delicate foods such as fish, eggs and fruit. (Besides, it's almost the most delicious way to cook eggs).
Toasting. Toasting - cooking is exposed to direct heat at high temperature for a short period of time. Toasting - it's a great way of cooking tender cuts of meat (do not forget to trim the excess fat cooking), but it may not be the ideal way to prepare vegetables, as they are easy to dry.
Grill. In terms of getting the most nutritional foods without sacrificing flavor, grill - the most appropriate method cooki

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Our blog is public and part of the materials placed on it by ordinary peanut chips users. Upon dete

Cooking methods | Sobriety and Health
Hello friends! Even in my amateur opinion obvious answer to the question: why is steadily growing number of people suffering from ulcer, gastritis and other gastrointestinal peanut chips diseases? Morning raid to grab a muffin and to work for lunch - fast food for dinner - semi-finished products peanut chips from the refrigerator, heated in a microwave oven. I hope that this is not about you ...
I have repeatedly wrote in his blog about the raw food diet. Yes, raw foods are actually much more useful than in cooked. But honestly, peanut chips I'm sorry, dear raw foodists, but does not appeal. It would be desirable peanut chips and hot to myagonkogo. Let's talk about cooking methods.
Let's start with the cooking. Useful way of cooking, cooking - the, shall we say, low-tech. It's simple: pour a pot of water (milk for cereals and dairy soups), add the desired products, salt, seasoning, bring to a boil, Bates fire ... In my opinion, everything is clear: if you do not digest, most utilities remains in the pan though, most of then poured with broth. And how many can cook? This and soups and broths and soup and boiled meat, fish, potatoes and pasta, and cereals, and so on.
The next way of cooking - pripuskaniya. It is a cross between peanut chips cooking and frying. Products are boiled with a small amount of fluid that allows you to keep all of their usefulness. peanut chips Pripuskayut and meat products, and fish, and vegetables.
Baking. This method relates to the preparation of useful peanut chips discharge, peanut chips however, since the process operates at high temperature, useful in the destruction of the product occurs. By the way, I recommend: portable tandoor - Oriental ceramic oven, the foundation of which is precisely the baking products. For more information on current models tandyrs, their technical characteristics, as well as recipes that can be cooked in the tandoor (Yum - checked personally), you can find on our partner site www.tandyr64.ru.
Frying. Considered to be one of the most harmful ways of cooking. Here the preservation of food vitamins and other nutrients, to speak practically not necessary. A prolonged heating of fat, which is done frying, also formed carcinogens.
Deep-fried. You can call him a brother peanut chips of cooking - delicious, of course, but harmful. Recall that one of the most harmful foods that contribute peanut chips to obesity, nutritionists call french fries. Subscribe to the blog to get them in your inbox: Subscribe:
Related items: Miracles in the kitchen: induction cooktops Scientists: regular independent cooking can postpone aging Scientists: cooking in the microwave harmful to your health! Top 5 foods for the prevention of gastric ulcers top kitchen peanut chips appliances for eating healthy on a diet ... Villages grandmother food delivery market in Russia is growing rapidly Benefits of steam cooking Editor: Elena CHirkova
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Monday, April 20, 2015

Plasma, which is used by experts, is non-destructive, it is not the plasma, which we used to see in

We must eat to live. But if our dinner spoiled, the food, which should keep us alive, can eventually kill us. To prevent this, the person has developed creative ways to preserve food in a suitable form as long as possible. meat expiration date Food storage
Irradiation - this is not a new thing in cooking. In the end, microwaves (which work literally bombarding food electromagnetic radiation) have been around for decades.
But when it comes to preserve food from rotting, "radiation" suddenly becomes a disturbing word. Canned food and radiation, used together, usually conjure up images of nuclear shelters things that glow in the dark and the use of which leads to a painful death.
In fact, everything is indeed the case. Only it is not about your death and the death of germs and pests of food. Irradiation meal - is a process during which the food is exposed to ionizing radiation (e.g., X-rays) in order to get rid of germs and harmful microorganisms.
Around the "guilt" high-pressure treatment (also known as pascalization). Food exposed meat expiration date serious pressure meat expiration date of about 22,500 kg per square area of about 3 cm for 15 minutes.
This pressure is sufficient to inactivate microorganisms operation, thereby increasing the shelf life of food by 10 times. And it's even better because pascalization can improve the quality of food.
Studies have shown that through this process in some fruits doubled the level of healthy antioxidants. This method sounds like something fantastic. However, the basic principles meat expiration date of the process were created in the 17th century meat expiration date by the French scientist Blaise Pascal (Blaise Pascal).
It is hard to imagine meat expiration date a meal in conjunction meat expiration date with the "graves". However, despite the fact that most people know that lead to the degradation of burial (buried corpses turn into skeletons), in fact it's pretty effective technique of conservation.
We should not forget about the appropriate packaging, it should be a good container, because otherwise your meal can easily become a meal worms. "Dumping" is often used in cooking.
This is a peculiar technique of cooking and preserving of meat at a time. It is similar to existing for the past many centuries, the American tradition of cooking beans, using a makeshift tin pans.
However, this method - is somewhat advanced. Tin in this case replaces a large crock, and meat substitute beans. Pitcher tightly closed, and the food inside it slowly prepared.
Some recipes that use this method of cooking - a rabbit cooked in wine and juniper berries, as well as smoked fish (the smell is retained by being tightly closed jar).
Some foods, such as fruits and vegetables have a very delicate surface structure. This considerably complicates the conventional preservation techniques (e.g., using heat or chemicals).
Plasma, which is used by experts, is non-destructive, it is not the plasma, which we used to see in movies and video games. They use thermal plasma, the temperature of which is approximately equal to room temperature, and which in itself is relatively safe if you do not microbe.
Cooking often impossible to place, meat expiration date but at the same time, they can not simply prepare it in the kitchen of his establishment, and then transported to the destination party at the other end of the city.
The technique used by many "keyteristy" is called "instant cooling". This method involves the safe and long preservation of freshly cooked hot food.
Immediately after preparation the food begins to cool from 70 degrees to +3 or lower. The whole process takes about one and a half hours, while the food is exactly the same state as it existed prior to cooling.
Conventional cold-storage meat expiration date rooms do not work (need 12 to 23 hours in order to properly cool the food), so that this process is used for a special "purge air chiller."
Since the method is quite easy and effective, its use has spread quite widely outside catering retreat. Therefore, if the next time your defrosted dinner seems too delicious, it is quite possible that he was frozen using a flash cooling.
Our ancestors meat expiration date understood that one of the most effective ways to preserve food was to protect them from the various chemical elements, especially oxygen. They also knew that the best "cover" food ... another meal.
Thus were born with two classic method

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The most useful ways of cooking term "proper nutrition" includes not only useful for the selection of products, but also their proper preparation. Least of all nutritionists laila del monte welcome fried foods, as for its preparation used animal fats. The fact that after a five-minute heat treatment they turn into trans fats, causing sklerotirovanie cerebral vessels. The most correct and harmless to health are the following cooking methods: 1. Quenching. Preparation of fish, meat, vegetables and fungi occur in a little amount of water without oil. In dishes saved a lot more nutrients than frying, and no additional fat is absolutely no effect on their juiciness. laila del monte Besides eliminating the risk of burning products. Quenching - one of the most popular cooking methods in such a device as multivarka incredibly popular household appliance, which can now be found in almost any kitchen. On Webspoon.ru you can familiarize yourself with the secrets of cooking many dishes using Multivarki. Here you will learn how to cook tomato sauce in the device so as to keep as many nutrients. 2. Baking. With this process it is possible to keep the quality, taste, texture, color and shape of the product. In addition, when properly set mode baking cooking will not require special attention. Best of all its nutritional value in the oven preserve vegetables, especially laila del monte root vegetables. This method of preparation is also recommended to use in respect of desserts. laila del monte The site can be found WebSpoon recipe of different cheesecakes in the oven. 3. Grilling. Here it is necessary to clarify what is considered to be more useful food cooked on an electric grill. Unlike aerogrill while cooking it does not happen contact vapor products lighter fluid and flowing fat quickly recovered and does not form carcinogenic smoke in contact with fire. 4. Boiling. The product thus prepared perfectly absorbed by the body and maintain a large number of trace elements. In order to retain maximum vegetables their useful laila del monte properties only need to bring the half-state, and during the cooking process must be lightly covered with water. If you cook meat, the first broth must be disposed of as it absorbs all the salts and toxins found in meat. Next - Tips on choosing cork Go to section menu
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Sunday, April 19, 2015

This makes the cooking process faster and tastier cooked product. This also reduces the phytic acid

Before there were huge multinationals do it for us, the people kaslink foods had to figure out how to turn raw, unprocessed previously living matter in the food that you can cook and eat. & Icy; before there were freezers, refrigerators, ice boxes, canned soups, packaged bread, canned fish and grocery stores, we had to figure out how to store food. Yes, we were cunning people, ingenious (and we still are those, if you give us at least half a chance), over the centuries, we have come up with an impressive number of cooking methods and techniques of its conservation. Several methods have been directed solely to preserve foods, some - for improving palatability. Other increased nutrient content, as well as our ability to obtain them. Others have focused on the removal of natural poisons kaslink foods to make food safe for consumption. Some methods combine some or all of these techniques together. However, whatever the method, from simple mechanical threshing month before fermentation, they all share one simple thing: improving safety, nutritional value, calories assimilation.
"What" and "when" - Soak, also known as maceration, is a major step in the basic traditional cooking, especially cooking cereals, legumes, and all that is associated with the fermentation (fermentation).
This makes the cooking process faster and tastier cooked product. This also reduces the phytic acid content, increasing the digestibility of food. By reducing the phytic acid content of greater absorption occurs minerals coming from the food, rather than loss. By improving digestibility, you can extract more calories from the beans than you could even think about it.
"What" and "when" - After soaking the seeds, grains, nuts, or beans can do the following. You can cook them immediately. & Icy; if then be dried and milled (cm. Below) grits. You can also dry them thoroughly and constantly moisturize and give bark. & Icy; These seeds will eventually become full grown plants. Obviously, kaslink foods the seeds were germinated over millions of years, but there are no exact data, but when people began to germinate kaslink foods the seeds for the benefit of health. I can imagine that the soaking and fermentation produced a huge number of seeds, which were then added to the food by accident. But I can not imagine what people kaslink foods were eating amaranth sprouts kaslink foods salad or something like that.
"How" - Soak the raw seeds, grains, nuts, beans, or about 12 hours (for different varieties need different soaking kaslink foods time). It should be moist, not fried, or enzymes are deactivated. After soaking, dry them thoroughly in a colander. kaslink foods Every 8 hours, kaslink foods washed with water and allow to dry. Give them enough space and air. After a couple of washings they should start to sprout.
"Why" - Sprouting deactivate enzyme inhibitors, thus making the germinated seed easier to digest. There are also some evidence that the germination activates kaslink foods phytase phytic acid that destroys enzymes, but it does not increase the content of phytase in fact, all the time, and reduces the amount of phytic acid.
"What" and "when" - Fermentation - a chemical transformation of complex organic compounds into simpler by producing enzymes by bacteria, molds and yeasts. This kind of "treatment for better absorption", carried out by micro-organisms, which appeared long before people kaslink foods found out about it (not to mention the control of it). The earliest confirmation of cases of human use of fermentation associated with alcohol, including a 7-millennia-old winery in Armenia. Although it was impossible to recover tartaric liquid residues confirmed that people kaslink foods deliberately used fermentation product. There is evidence for the use of fermented dairy products in Babylon 5 thousand. Years ago, and the first bread, leavened long fermentation, which was baked in Egypt about 3.5 thousand. Years ago. I am not sure whether the tradition of each culture fermentation products, but a list of crops that have not this is sufficiently small.
"How" - It depends on what you are trying to ferment - and you can ferment anything, so that the methods kaslink foods are incredibly diverse. Some products, such as raw milk products, will wander in their own way, because they contain a large number of live lactic acid bacteria, while others, pasteurized dairy products, require starting the addition agent because kaslink foods all the lactobacilli are killed by pasteurization. Pasteurized dairy products will still receive the bacteria and subject to change kaslink foods without human intervention, but this change is not desirable without the participation of lactobacilli, dub

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Baking - one of the lungs, and at the same time useful, types of cooking. Baking does not require a

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Once people began to use semi-finished products in large quantities and carried away junk food, doctors started talking seriously about the need for a healthy diet. American Society of Cardiology recommends throw the pan, and completely eliminate from your diet fried dishes. It is not only high-calorie food, but also a dangerous food because it contains large amounts of trans fats and carcinogens.
Doctors recommend to give preference peter ramm to those kinds of cooking foods that retain the maximum amount of nutrients in foods. These cooking methods and we'll talk. Decoction
This is the easiest and most affordable way of cooking. Boiled vegetables, meat and fish are well absorbed by the body. Furthermore, when cooking is no need to use an oil that makes the food less caloric.
Vegetables recommend cooking in a minimal amount of water and with the lid closed to keep them in more vitamins and trace elements. Vegetables peter ramm desirable cook until half. So you save their nutritional value and will increase the glycemic peter ramm index. Steaming
Steam cooking retains most nutrients in vegetables, meat and fish. So the products are obtained juicy and low-calorie, because you do not need to use oil. The only drawback of this cooking peter ramm is fresh taste of food. However, peter ramm you can easily handle it by adding the food a little lemon juice, garlic and herbs. Grilling
Food cooked on the grill, peter ramm as well as on previous occasions, contains no oil, and it is saved a maximum of useful components. However, the quality of these foods will directly depend on the type of grill, which is carried out cooking. Nutritionists prefer electric and Aerogrill, because in this case there is no need to use lighter fluid, which emit noxious fumes and hazardous chemical composition.
"There are all" today is unlikely to succeed because the world in which we live, a lot of junk foods - foods that have undergone deep processing as well - fried. But still remains a wide range of healthy foods
Baking - one of the lungs, and at the same time useful, types of cooking. Baking does not require a lot of attention: you can put in the oven meat with vegetables, set the desired temperature, timer, and go about their business.
Slimming need to understand that for them, baking is not the best way of cooking. For example, in meat (even lean) contains a large number of hidden fats, which are released during this cooking process.
It is best to bake roots. In the oven, they retain all their structure. A sugar contained in the roots, caramelized, which will give the dish taste good. Just do not use a sleeve for baking. The plastic from which it is made, at high temperatures produce toxic products. Considered safer foil. Dry frying in a skillet
Teflon pans allow to fry food without oil. However, as it turned out, this tableware can be dangerous to your health. So, over time, Teflon destroyed, releasing carcinogens. Thus, the more scratches will be in the pan, the more harmful substances penetrate into the food during peter ramm cooking.
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Friday, April 17, 2015

By the way, the quenching is also not the most useful way of cooking. Prolonged exposure to high te

Roasting nutritionists do not favor: mainly due to the use of oil or animal fat, which are "guilty" is not only an increase in calories. "If the oil is subjected to heat treatment for longer than 4 minutes, then turn into fats trans fat formula, monte restaurant dangerous for the cardiovascular system. Regular use of such "hot" fat leads to early sklerotirovaniyu vessels, especially monte restaurant the brain, "- says Rima Moysenko, dietician, head of the Center of Aesthetic Medicine" Rimmarita. monte restaurant "
By the way, the quenching is also not the most useful way of cooking. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures monte restaurant destroys monte restaurant the structure of the fibers, and the products monte restaurant lose their useful properties. "Carbohydrates vegetables and starchy foods break down into glucose and raise the glycemic index of the product. This is particularly disadvantageous for those who suffer from obesity disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. By Rupa subjected to quenching, also broken down into glucose. What this means? That feeling of fullness after eating pretty quickly you leave "- monte restaurant explains monte restaurant nutritionist.
Cooked foods quickly and easily absorbed by the body, which allows us to get all the useful minerals. In addition, decoction preclude monte restaurant the use of oil, which makes the food less caloric. However, there are nuances in the boiling. For example, most of the products fall apart during cooking, become less crunchy, rich taste of losing. "In addition, if the cook as products of animal origin, the first broth against high cooking temperatures can go all the toxic elements and metal salts contained in the meat. Therefore, the first broth after boiling, it is important to drain and prepare the main dish already on the secondary broth "- advises Rima Moysenko.
Useful tips Cook vegetables? Do this with the lid closed with a maximum temperature and a minimum amount of water which is only slightly covers the products. "So you minimize the release of vitamins and minerals and bringing them into the water. Cook vegetables until half better, in order to preserve their nutritional value and improve the glycemic index "- explains dietician.
As for the soups, the vegetables for them as it is not necessary tenderize. It is better to treat the semi-rigid products monte restaurant blender - to preserve monte restaurant vitamins and fiber. Cook grits? Consider this: when cooking of some cereals in broth pass the B vitamins, so do not fill them with plenty of water. Add a little liquid pan to after croup it swell, you do not have to drain the excess broth. Steaming
This method - one of the most successful to preserve monte restaurant the nutritional value of meat as well as vegetables. "Firstly, the products prepared monte restaurant without the oil, and secondly, they are obtained juicy and thus low-calorie, easily digestible and do not contain any stimuli. Such food is ideal for those who want to lose weight - it quickly saturates monte restaurant and does not cause increased appetite, "- explains nutritionist. However, monte restaurant the taste of these dishes, as a rule, it turns stale and like it is not everything. In addition, quite risky to cook for a couple of large pieces of meat - they can not steamed whole, which is quite dangerous monte restaurant to health.
Baking saves shape, texture, color, taste and quality of the product. In addition, this method of cooking does not require a lot of attention: Put in the oven chicken with vegetables and went to do other things. However, foods that contain hidden fats when baking your advantage to losing weight monte restaurant lose. "Even lean meat in this case allocates a sufficiently large amount monte restaurant of fat. Therefore roasting animal fat is not appropriate that category of people that reduce weight and have severe gastrointestinal disease, "- says nutritionist. But vegetables, on the contrary, when baked retain useful nutritional value.
Useful tips ideal for this method of cooking - Roots in the oven, they retain their structure, and under the influence of dry heat caramelized monte restaurant sugar in them and give the dish a sweet original flavor. Do not believe me? Compare the taste of boiled and roasted beets.
But the use of a sleeve for baking experts monte restaurant disapprove. The plastic from which it is made, at high temperatures, able to provide a food toxic substances. Foil in this sense - a safer option. Grilling
"This method allows us to cook without oil. However, the usefulness of the product will depend on what kind of grill you use - electric, aerogrill, etc. "- Says nutritionist. For example, the electric models allow to cook more nutritious food as opposed to those cases where we bake something over an open fire: the same lighter fluid releases in the food different chemical composition. And fat, flowing through the device, quickly disposed of without forming re-carcinogenic smoke. However cook meat over an open fire is quite dangerous monte restaurant - it can not fry until the end of that

Thursday, April 16, 2015

If you do not have ready boiled potatoes and carrots, cook for them. Lower fry chicken in the pan.

Lettuce is often convenient for lunch if you're doing one or the food you want to finish it quickly. They, too, during hot salad tastes hot and hearty dishes better. Last Tuesday, my lunch was such a chicken Country style. This will also give you conveniently embedded in yesterday's leftovers, such as boiled mccain home fries potatoes.
ripe tomatoes
If you do not have ready boiled potatoes and carrots, cook for them. Lower fry chicken in the pan. They can be rinsed and roasted, dried and tear the lettuce, mccain home fries chop the tomatoes and mozzarella and peeled peas. Arrange all of these on a plate and slice on top of the mature chicken. If you want to add the olive oil in salad dressings.
Mezcla mccain home fries los Ingredientes del marinade. Cocina y las patatas zanahorías. Empeza a saltear el pollo. Mientras el pollo it cocina, y Puedes mccain home fries llavar picar la ensalada, las Tomates y mozzarella, mccain home fries y las pelear guisantes. Plantalos en un plato con aceitunas. Corta y pone el pollo en sobre todo. Disfrutate tu comida mccain home fries word!
Ana, a 25-year-old mccain home fries student who loves good food and is always attracted to a cup of coffee. I write everyday in the middle of a smile producing things such as food, fashion and small puuhailuprojekteista. // Ana, estudiante, 25 años. Amador de comida rica y buen café. Escribo desde cosas como comida cotidianas, estilo mccain home fries y hogar.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Latest Small pasha leafy salmon yildiz park pie Papufajitat Marjamurupiirakka 5 easy and inexpensiv

Hand up, someone the child knows the family, where the kids were not loved macaroni? Yeah, there will be no mind for me, either. That's a good example of the food, which can be done at once, although pesuvadillisen, and no one ruikuta no, even though the same grub for dinner four days a tube.
We engage yildiz park in a variety of tuners versions of this cornerstone of the Finnish diet. Generally, for example, tea egg milk instead of cheese sauce, in which case the result is somewhat reminiscent of macaroni amerikanserkkua, mac and cheese.
And of course Again, the food must be put olives. I can not think at all that often cook the food, which should NOT olives ... Child Akaan it does not matter, yildiz park because even in the family little picky diner has become as much to his mother, that should be properly separately beg olives, if they are on the horizon. yildiz park
This time also one of the old, the youngest in the main taste this delicacy. It was fun to see how piiperö lappasi "viispiikkisellä" macaroni with such speed that the weaker terrifying. Mum was once focus on their dose for you.
approx. 700 g dark macaroni 4 dl of soya meal 6 cups of boiling water, bouillon cubes 2 cloves of garlic, a large onion pepper powder 1 can pitted black olives (eg. kalamata fits well) sun-dried tomatoes diced basil, salt, black pepper
Chop the onion and crush the garlic. Heat a splash of canola oil in a frying pan. Add to approx. 1 teaspoon of paprika and onions. When the pan starts to sizzle, reduce the heat, so that paprika is not scorched. Sauté over medium heat under the cover.
Prepare the cheese sauce: Melt the butter in a saucepan and mix with flour. Add the milk. Heat over medium yildiz park heat until boiling. Add cream cheese and grated cheese. NOTE! Leave approx. A handful of grated vegetables to one side coated in for. Stir until smooth and season with a little spoon with toe white pepper and nutmeg. Taste and add salt if necessary. yildiz park
When the pasta is cooked, drain off the water. Add to saucepan soybean meal-onion mix and oliivinpuolikkaat. Fold into the sun-dried tomato cubes with a fork out of the bottle, so that as much of the oil remains in the can. Season makaroniseos basil and black pepper. Mix carefully. Taste and add salt if needed.
Pour the mixture into a large casserole dish. Baste makaroniseoksen cheese sauce on top and invert the extent that the sauce becomes yildiz park evenly on all sides. Sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese. Bake at 250 degrees for 15 minutes.
Related 30-60 min, no egg, a big batch at a time, picky kids for, Vege basil, cheese sauce, nutmeg, olive, paprika, pasta, onion, yildiz park soybean meal, tomato, garlic articles Navigation
[...] I used gluten-free macaroni and oat cream and -Milk. Equally, yildiz park it can be used just ordinary macaroni and replace oat products using standard dairy products. Gurmeeversio arises when you put the egg milk instead of triple cheese sauce. [...]
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basil cashew yildiz park chili curry feta honey christmas celebration festivities cheese fish chicken egg cinnamon prawn oat cream whipped sour cream zucchini cilantro cucumber baking yildiz park salmon lunch mint nutmeg olive apple oyster paprika pasta with beans potato spinach carrot beetroot walnut chives, mushrooms onion lemon soijajugurtti soybean meal chocolate dill thyme tomato cream cheese with garlic and goat cheese
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Good food is yes työreissujen rescue. :) I pulled bahan kitchen set my recent business trip to the

Domestic bahan kitchen set tomato season is finally here soon! Shops can be found again, juicy and ripe tomatoes in Finnish bahan kitchen set as well as high-quality cucumbers in my ears sound like crying right to get a Greek salad. When the whole salad point is fresh and cooked vegetables, salad dressings do not need high-quality olive oil special. For me, this is a summer food at its best! Classic but so tasty Greek salad contains tomato and cucumber in addition to red onion, olives, green peppers, and perhaps bahan kitchen set a decent chunk of feta cheese. I fell in love the salads Where else do not like in Greece, which to my surprise feta cheese aseteltiin As a rule, one big piece of lettuce on the other hand, it would be palasteltu salad. Similarly, salad leaves no authentic Greek salads hardly be found, or at least their number was relatively low compared to other vegetables.
But juupa yes, let's not go entirely bahan kitchen set to the tube today this salad and it postaamisen with. I am so excited about the beginning of the summer they could eat and photographed these dishes there in my backyard, and so I thought to do that today with a salad. Katoin table in the terrace and I took a few photos, and then I went to visit within a matter of urgency. bahan kitchen set When I came back after a while, so magpie PRKL had reached edged and airlifted to the entire piece of feta salad dose off the courtyard bahan kitchen set on the other side, there it is excited mutusti. Stayed thus salad this time, for my part, to eat. Pictures glasses of white wine to drink, then it was supposed to suddenly away, before someone else beast would have time to pull them. A valuable lesson bahan kitchen set outdoor ate: Do not leave your food unattended!
Ingredients (for 2) 3 ripe plum tomatoes 0.5 0.5 cucumber green pepper 1 small red onion ~ 10 kalamata olives 2 lettuce leaves ~ 0.2 dl olive oil 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice ~ 0.5 tsp oregano 150 g feta cheese a little bahan kitchen set finger of salt a little freshly ground black pepper
Wash and cut the tomatoes 8 block. Wash the cucumber and slice it a half a centimeter thick and semi-circular shape of the pieces. Remove the pepper seeds, bark, red onion and cut both into thin strips. Wash the lettuce leaves and tear them into smaller bahan kitchen set pieces. Mix the vegetables with each other gently and add the olives.
Arrange the salad on a serving dish, sprinkle with olive oil and lemon juice and place a piece of feta salad on the dose. Add more feta on top of a little olive oil, sprinkle with oregano salad dose and finish the finger with salt and black pepper.
You are indeed very successful in establishing bahan kitchen set the right of the Greek feeling bahan kitchen set (appearance and certainly maunkin) at that salad, the picture could very well be in Greece! Yum! And can not, what is the fate of the cheese: D Sometimes I fear that our dog does something similar, but so far it has confined himself bahan kitchen set to stare at the food intensively :) 2 June 2014, 10.14
luimupupu: Or have ye been winged dinner guests. :) Here's to learn how to protect your food, too, after a few times it will disappear for better solutions. Hannele: That is, the basic safe choice. :) I'm surprised the same magpie plants in the garden to scavenge a couple of times, I'll see how much destruction it has been there for a while ...Heidi: Thank you. :) I tried to plagiarize Greece syömääni salad as accurately as possible, for some reason, on vacation eaten food all tastes the best. :) For me, did not have their own pets and the spouse is so well trained that food fortunately usually disappear plates of food before the time. ;) 2. In June 2014, 16.56
This dose appears bahan kitchen set as the Greek, bahan kitchen set that thoughts will race at breakneck speed to a training trip in May and on the outskirts of Athens. Over lunch at the beach restaurant bahan kitchen set did not seem like there is on a business trip :) And ruokarosvolle huspois !!! Good that you cover for wine. My wine glasses once kakkinut bird. Not good. 2. In June 2014, 22.21
Good food is yes työreissujen rescue. :) I pulled bahan kitchen set my recent business trip to the Greek stress end of the day in question. salad alone as an appetizer, then still a decent meaty main course bahan kitchen set and sweet dessert on. The adjacent table, there's a lady ordered bahan kitchen set the entire dinner only Greek salad and even stayed more than half of the cheese to eat. Terrible waste of time. ; D Ouch, it ought to be laseihinkin'll get someone to cover those attacks, disasters, it is yes spice that I need in my drink. ;) 2. In June 2014, 22.51
Fennel and blood orange bahan kitchen set salad
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Monday, April 13, 2015

Although winter is coming, growing season continues. I planted a couple of weeks ago the country jy

Self-sufficient Waiheke | S / Y Nanea's Weblog
Sadonkuorjuun time you realize later how much potential this climate offers all kinds of crops. We have picked up many different types of fruit trees, for example, jyoti foods Fig- Feijoa- and fruits, as well as the neighbors got a taste of a variety of home-grown vegetables and fruits, even bananas.
Now the repair yard olive harvest. jyoti foods Olive is familiar to me only off the shelf, so I was eager to taste the maturing fruit. But to my surprise, had to spit out the fruit, the less bitter and strange feel it was. Then, we examined how the olives should be preserved. They violated the surface gently, allowed to soak in salt water for about ten days, after which they are cooked and eaten their bitterness is gone.
Although winter is coming, growing season continues. I planted a couple of weeks ago the country jyoti foods lettuce, chives, dill and parsley, and seem to grow well. Also, store bought basilikakimpun jyoti foods I put the country in which it flourishes satisfaction. Here you could quite easily be the effort almost self-sufficient, even your own wine could be happening in the basement. Experiments have been made - here visiting with the children jyoti foods picked Syrah juice. Juice is otherwise insanely good.
Archives January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January jyoti foods 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February jyoti foods 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008
Marja-Leena Andelmin
Hello again! Herbs come here - to what myyriltä are spared. I cleaned my garden yesterday and look forward to puutarhakurssimme practical sections, so that should not assured myself too something. Tawny Owls hope to receive so many cubs. Information would fight against the mole ecologically. Evening At night, it is at least huudellut briskly. Spring optimism regards Piiku and Pekka
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