Saturday, May 2, 2015

Záhorská Ves is a village, which is in Slovakia as the last beam every evening with the sun. It is

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Záhorská Ves is a village, which is in Slovakia as the last beam every evening with the sun. It is located in the westernmost tip of Slovakia, surrounded by the Morava River, which divides it from the neighboring Austria. Although its territory is the narrowest point of Moravia yogurt expiration and neighboring Austria in the village is in theory "to yogurt expiration jump", no one in Austria yogurt expiration just can not jump. Missing bridge that two neighboring villages would come together. As some compensation, however, they operated ferry that transports cars steadily from one side of the river to the other.
Slovak border was established on Slovakia's accession to the Schengen precarious situation, when suddenly nobody knew what to do with empty customs. "Jinx" as residents called Záhorská Ves, but invented. Customs building, which sits empty completely used. In addition to flower in its view, also it established Uhranské Museum.
Chronicler of Oto Šimkovič proudly showing the wealth yogurt expiration that years ago enhanced. The museum is full years of dusty memories of the community and the people they once again reach the light of day. This small museum contains numerous treasures of local inhabitants, from old photographs of the costumes that once graced The local housewives. Historical photographs of the village, its inhabitants and nature fill the walls Uhranského museum and attract the attention of anyone who strays here. These "zablúdilci", oddly enough, in the words of pets coming from far away to enjoy heritage ZÁHORÁK look for yourself. Slovaks are often not visible. It's a shame because it really is something to look at.
Oto Šimkovič yogurt expiration years has collected many interesting artifacts exhibited in the museum properly. Including the original box in which were once packed sugar in the local sugar factory (it was the largest in Central Europe). Also we can find various tools and instruments that locals once used either in fishing, hunting, or even in the labeling of trees.
Our "Oh" and "jééj" however, earned costumes. They are beautifully decorated, fluffy and unique about as costumes from all regions of Slovakia. They took us historical photos yogurt expiration in which the inhabitants of the village will certainly get to know their parents and grandparents immortalized yogurt expiration in these beautiful garments.
Uhranské museum, of course, a lot of space devoted to the famous "bewitched". These include the President yogurt expiration of the Slovak World Congress, a native of Záhorská Ves Leopold Danihels that grudge to his native village and omnipotent yogurt expiration it helped behind yogurt expiration the "big pond". Another well-known figure, whose roots go back to the village, the opera singer Lucia Popp. This talented artist yogurt expiration to your singing captivated the world. We know it from Bieliková "Janosik", but also dazzled audiences at La Scala, London, New York or Paris. On her birthplace in Záhorská Ves and hanging a memorial plaque and the street on which the house is located, it was renamed the street Lucia Popp.
Celebrities in the former Hungarian Ves (as Záhorská Ves called until 1948) not only gave birth, but it also passed. For example, such Štúr, which owes Dnešn

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