Thursday, May 21, 2015

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Paraguay-CUSTODY BY EXPERTS / US MILITARY milk storage temperature COMMAND IN PARAGUAY | Salut i Agroecologia Association (ASIA)
Inici About nosaltres The IAIA botiga Mercé The grup of consum agroecològic The nostre proveïdor The rebotiga Els nostres valors Galeria d'imatges Activitats Activitats Setmanals Salut Ens pleasing Temes Agroecologia Sobirania Alimentària Drets humans Consum critic Ecology Renewable Energies Difusió not Campanyes Glifosat Manifestacions milk storage temperature Eurovegas Catalunya Barri de Gracia Barcelona Sarria Llobregat milk storage temperature Baix Llobregat Delta Vic Osona Stat Espanyol Madrid International Europe Latin America Argentina Buenos Aires Paraguay Peru India Thailand Vietnam Africa Kenya Recomenem Map dels grups of consum Contact LLIBRES
(AW) was installed in Santa Rosa de Aguaray, department of San Pedro, a Emergency milk storage temperature Operation Center of the US Southern Command. Paraguay suffered 80% of deforestation to enable the soybean crop to benefit milk storage temperature Monsanto and Cargill, milk storage temperature among others. The imperial interest in ensuring its dominance in the region is evident.
From the Latin American genocide, war of the triple alliance, Paraguay lost 90% of its adult male population and 160,000 square kilometers of territory by the sides, milk storage temperature in addition to having to pay a war indemnity that plunged the country into misery. Without going to deepen this well known and disastrous history for the South American continent in the nineteenth century and mainly the Guarani territory, in this XXI century envision new threats from a national anti-colonial, dictatorial state, run by sellout bipartisanship that They are seeking to consolidate a neoliberal project strictly late interest of imperialism in the region.
Installing an Emergency Operation Center of the US Southern Command. UU in Santa Rosa de Aguaray, San Pedro department are part of the ongoing subjugation of sovereignty, there is no doubt that interest milk storage temperature is geopolitical, economic and military, they see is the realization of the imperial thirst for water, and in the year 1998 former official of the International Monetary Fund IMF claimed that as the twentieth century wars were for reasons of oil, the twenty-first century would be by the water, on the other key findings milk storage temperature of pentagons say: "Access to water will be the biggest field battle. The Nile, Danube and Amazon are all mentioned as areas of high risk ", ie the climate challenge and control of natural resources to the Pentagon is of a military nature. milk storage temperature
According to Minister Rafael Valdez National Emergency Operation Center this will serve to weather issues and other needs such as, training, instruction in climate and food emergencies.
In Paraguay, 80% of its territory above were deforested milk storage temperature by soybean cultivation milk storage temperature by transnational agribusiness, Monsanto, Cargill and others, including Brazilian entrepreneur, this pollutant model used tons of polluting poisons rivers and streams, spraying air displaced millions of peasants and indigenous people with repeated denunciation of cases of diseases and poisoning from spraying, the north, in this case San Pedro in the last time major resistance of peasant movements were presented in defense milk storage temperature of their communities complain milk storage temperature serious damage existing pollution in the country.
There is no doubt that the interest of imperialism with this operation center is to continue subjugating below the sovereignty, ie the sub soil mainly controlling the Guarani Aquifer, scientific studies have shown that the rate of deforestation, lack of vegetation directly affects slowing the flow of water in the aquifer recharge, if pollution is very sensitive, recover lead centuries. This new operation center in the department of San Pedro come to realize imperial plans are part of the operation of the 3 + 1 US State Department, is disguised emergency humanitarian milk storage temperature aid, study and exchange milk storage temperature on the climate issue, but the only US order It is to continue avallando above and below the sovereignty, controlling vital resources like water and taking possession adelantadamente military force to war or catastrophe for humanity.
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