Sunday, May 10, 2015

Where was that there were and there still happened ... Freedom Square in Sered was once a restauran

Where was that there were and there still happened ... Freedom Square in Sered was once a restaurant Slovan. Now in her shop of household and similar goods. The left side is a small building in which the bookmaker Nike and now the next one, it is the building where we changed prebiotik roof. It was back in October 1996. That roof was from 1870, since when it is discussing a single horizontal beam, I found engraved date. Once the roof was nearly dismantled, I noticed down in the corner, adjacent to the trade Shoes Clothing something that intrigued me and my colleagues. Below about 10 cm thick layer of dust hiding the skin thoroughly wrapped package. The first layer of skin was very thick and hardened. Inside was another skin, light. About the deer, I do not know.
We all expected some treasure, gold and jewelry. We were there for about five. When they saw colleagues envelopes once they šklbali and looking into them. But when they saw only letters mostly dialogue in Hungarian, they rozhadzovali them as totally mad. Those envelopes were certainly more than a hundred, prebiotik perhaps 150. envelopes were made three neat piles, each about high Someone went to some trouble to them nicely wrapped in the skin as a cube of butter. The skin was a pale brown fine and flexible. Tie it with string and wrapped carefully in rough hard skin (about a cow). Pre concerned it had to be important documents when you put such effort with their packaging and hid when they have none to a dark place. When I unwrapped the package, so those letters, that all the envelopes were all intact, not just when they divočáci what they did to me was thrown, only when it is destroyed. I grabbed a pile here Wednesday, which was best preserved. In those Stacking left - right I do not know what it was, nor what were the period. From one adjacent pile I managed to save only one letter and one was dated 1897. This year I brought home significantly in miserable condition and carefully put the letter together and plastered it Duvilax. Then I had him read one friend he knows in Hungarian and one of which reproached a gentleman prebiotik XY heard that from Sered can also travel on a raft to Budapest on a piece that lives in Komarno and whether they could ride well with chariots and horses and how much it would cost. It seems to me that it came from Esztergom. These letters were the regions which literally disintegrated. They were in the middle of the pack were completely preserved. Darmo guy I talked to not destroy it. About half, around 50 pieces I managed before them, preserve. But my point is that most of the documents did not fall within those envelopes. In some envelopes are also three documents. On the cover was, for example, stamp with postage stamps from 1888, but the documents inside were from 1891. Then Pocket Size and not the one who wanted to keep those documents be easily stuffed into envelopes that he found. The packages were also four letters of 1889 from the World Exhibition in Paris. In French and in pristine envelopes with stamps. I do not know what was written in them, not me who translate, but estimated in a letter to notify the recipient that he has to show some prize was awarded, respectively, probably some of his product. Letters from Hungary to me one known so briefly view and he said that the delivery contracts of barley, rye and similar commodities prebiotik to Sereďská mills for milling of PLTA and then sent back to the Vah. But there were also invoices, bills and similar documents. All in stamped envelopes. There were quantities in kilograms as well as other scales. Several bills were also in English. A gentleman Location Type 12 torches? and within 30 days 16 torches like to return? or 80 gold (HUF, guilders). There was also signed by the witness. But that's prebiotik about all I can remember about the content of the envelopes. Charter were very beautiful! At the edges, mostly ornaments and upper third of each some picture with dymiacimi factory chimneys and car rides ťahajúcimi in goods. And this script, simply great! I just wondered how the spartan when writing addresses. No numbers or district or region. Simply Filip Müller, Szered. On a letter from Paris it was already Philipp Müller. Until 2007, I had letters hidden in a plastic box with a lid. Then he picked the letters in envelopes, unfolded and one povkladal in Pocket prebiotik Size, went back to the cabinet and practically I was not interested. Happened to me in this activity saw my son girlfriend at the time. Who could have guessed prebiotik that my letters just steal him?! I discovered it in 2010. When I confronted him with the facts, claimed that it only lent an acquaintance prebiotik of the valuation prebiotik and that he did not return them. I have no idea where it ended up, probably around discarded in the trash or bought them in good faith unaware of their origin a collector of Sered. I then did not have a computer, so I did not think them not to scan and digitize, but even after such a long time would like their letters still today known. About five corresponded then still took a colleague, I found it only when they pulled on FAJRONT while sipping a neighboring Slavs. Where is the end of them do not know. M

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