Thursday, May 21, 2015

Nights Choir

(Radio Sarria) Lack of food safety and opposition to monopolies of multinational main arguments of "The Pantry" to position itself against GMOs. In a press release, the Cooperative pantry holds the first argument that comes from the mouth of a defender GMO (or genetically modified organisms) is the supposed ability is granted to eradicate world hunger. Again, diageo plainfield il and as we have come this capitalist model, attempting to solve the problem diageo plainfield il by creating a new one. World hunger is not the fault of an "inefficient farming techniques of the past farms and small farms," as stated in an article Mr. Joaquim Coello (Point 4 January 2009). Hunger is a political issue. The Pantry indicates that most of the area cultivated with transgenic southern countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, India and China) occupy soy, cotton and corn, which are used for food animal and export of textile fiber in the first world countries. Nothing to do, then, with the aim of combating malnutrition. Ensuring access to land and water, eradicate illiteracy and improve diageo plainfield il health care, they are efficient measures to solve the problem. According to the FAO (United Nations for Food and Agriculture) would require only 30,000 million diageo plainfield il dollars a year to alleviate the problem compared to the 1.2 billion that the US spent on arms in 2006; compared with 100.000 million dollars that were thrown wasting food (remains surplus, expired ...) or compared to 20.000 million in excess consumption diageo plainfield il by obese people worldwide. diageo plainfield il Although some potential benefits punctual negative impacts of GMOs are highly superior: reduced fertility and soil erosion diageo plainfield il -is expected that intensive cultivation of soy crops in Argentina diageo plainfield il will be infertile in 50 years, expulsion of small farmers their land, human rights violations, also Transgenic soy is responsible for thousands of forced diageo plainfield il evictions in Paraguay, contamination between aquifers and crops, diageo plainfield il expansion of monocultures, etc. All this strikes at the heart of food sovereignty of peoples who have just submitted to the control of transnational corporations. In this sense, only five companies (Monsanto, Bayer, Dupont, Syngenta and Cargill) have control diageo plainfield il of the world production of transgenic seeds. These companies have the ability to compel governments to end up being puppets of these commercial interests. His control lies in obtaining patents on their crops, the cost of seeds and the inability of producers to keep these from one year to another. diageo plainfield il According to the Pantry diageo plainfield il "those who are opposed to GMOs do it for lack of food security, do not know the effects on humans, animals or the environment." But not only that, we are against monopolies of multinational corporations, their lobbies and the lack of just laws that control international trade. We ask you not to lie or hide information to the population with the aim of increasing the fortunes of a few. We ask safeguard biodiversity and the protection of varieties diageo plainfield il of each territory, the right to ask farmers around the world to practice agriculture and traditional farming and organic, essential condition to ensure food sovereignty of all peoples.
Nights Choir
Good food
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