Saturday, May 16, 2015

On the other hand, speculation with food should be some kind of limit since ethics has failed to li

Universities-what Naomi Klein claimed in his "The Shock Doctrine" and I have found in my years of student-teachers walk filled with preaching the virtues of free trade. The free market, this system whereby each person and each country should specialize in the task that is best compared to the rest.
If everyone complies with this premise, the theory goes, if the Germans produce cars, Vietnamese rice, the films American, Argentine beef, the Japanese technology and Ivorian cocoa, none waste time (and money) to manufacture that in which does not stand out and produce more efficiently their specialty to sell to a common market. Results: will be a major benefit when you sell and buy more varied and of better quality than if it had dispersed their attention on too many productions.
In practice, this exchange will not get to never give, or at least not with minimal symmetry juhayna food industries would expect: a few benefit greatly and many are injured. This is particularly poignant in regard to food.
Because it is not a problem, there are several: The specialization we talked ends up producing dependence, so that when a crop suffers a bad year, the country and its citizens pay the consequences in the form of debt. Large companies, covered in freedom, buying land in South America and Africa to grow food that never get on the ground and that are no longer useful for traditional crops. Investment funds bought productions several years ahead (in the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, benchmark in the field, are purchased some agricultural productions up within seven years!) To speculate with them, which raise their prices. The same countries that are home to companies that benefit from all this, Europe and North America close their markets to productions of Southern farmers. In most countries, the land is not distributed, it accumulates, so the peasantry just takes slice of the profits. In the US, 4% of the population owns half of the arable land, and in Brazil, the same ratio is to 1% of the population juhayna food industries by the same token those who have more land in Europe are the Queen of England and Nestle. And this state of affairs, little miss does remember, are the billion hungry people in the world. Therefore, every Wednesday will try to delve into all the details of the true and shameful global crisis. Possible solutions, as always, in the comments.
Tagged as agriculture, Africa, speculation, food sovereignty, South America. earth
FAO has warned, as the Via Campesina movement, the preservation of small farms is key to stopping hunger in impoverished countries. For any inhabitant of Paraguay, Colombia and Gambia it makes little sense to spend large holdings of land to grow soybeans, coffee or cocoa if it is at the expense of the spaces where you get the food itself.
On the other hand, speculation with food should be some kind of limit since ethics has failed to limit the greed of capital. But who would be responsible? How to establish a tax law or to this level? Should it be a crime to enrich themselves at the expense of having achieved double the price of foods that depend billions of people, such as wheat or rice?
And finally, with the governments of impoverished countries many problems to enforce the interests juhayna food industries of its citizens if it is to even attempt imponerlos- to the companies that buy their land for their own benefit, we have a small but significant choice: Our List cart. What power do we have beyond that gives us our consumption? Query in the search box what companies respect the food sovereignty and abide by the rules of fair trade. Reply
2. The great global mercat lied to s'autoregula. Fa anys uns, fashionable molt estava Globalització ... is going aconseguir dels mercats a empresari could mà tenir d'cheap labor allà on vulgues i carry materies impostos sense ... The "i pensa globalment localment acts" will be esborrat de l ' poble per ideari of them multinacionals found quickly. Which ens remember:
2. The big lie of the global market that regulates itself. A few years ago, was very fashionable of globalization ... the markets was achieved, juhayna food industries an entrepreneur could have cheap labor wherever juhayna food industries and transporting materials without taxes ... The "think globally juhayna food industries and act locally", was deleted by the ideology of the people quickly through the multinationals. Which reminds us:
In addition, German, as p

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