Friday, May 15, 2015

For that is the TTIP? It is a treaty negotiated in secret for months, filtered light PUBLIC pending

A new twist on plain agrifood policies in Europe. It's Free Trade Treaty between the United States and the European Union, more known as TTIP, its acronym peter ramm in English, the long shadow of the vegetation hangs agribusinesses that field to plate. peter ramm As vampire blood, the multinationals expect to profit, and, of these new measures liberalitzaci trade.
For that is the TTIP? It is a treaty negotiated in secret for months, filtered light PUBLIC pending approval by Parliament, with a campaign mrqueting up, which aims to end the match Low legislation on both sides of the Atlantic single benefit of big business. Its consequences: more unemployment, more privatization, less social and environmental rights. Ultimately, served on a platter our rights to capital.
And in matters agricultural and food? The companies, from seed companies through peter ramm the biotecnolgica industry, beverages, livestock, food, feed ... are those that are more pressed for, up front Even the pharmaceutical lobby, and financial automobilstic. There is much at stake for multinationals peter ramm like Nestler, Monsanto, Kraft Foods, Coca Cola, Unilever, Bacardi-Martine, Cargill, among others. 560 consultative meetings of the European Commission for approval of the treaty, 92% were conducted with business peter ramm groups with other groups of interspblic as indicated by a report from the European Corporate Observatory. peter ramm
The massive entry of transgnics be a reality in Europe. B If today we import a considerable number of foods transgnics, particularly livestock feed and many processed products that contain soy derivatives peter ramm and corn transgnic as lecithin, oil and soy flour, syrup Maize flour, the approval of TTIP mean an increase in these imports, especially early, and even entry transgnics peter ramm not currently authorized peter ramm by the Union.
Keep in mind that the US legislation is much more permissive than the European culture both in marketing and in Genticament modified organisms. peter ramm In the US, for example, the labeling that identifies a food as transgnic s nonexistent, unlike Europe, where despite the limitations, the law is forcing this identification tericament . Likewise, the Union only grown with a single commercial transgnic food: maize MON 810 from Monsanto, despite the negative environmental impact that pollution t other fields corn both conventional and ecological. peter ramm 80% of the production takes place in Aragon and Catalonia, however most European countries veto it. In the United States, by contrast, the number of crops is much more high. From here that Europe peter ramm is a sweet cake for multinationals such as Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer, Dupont peter ramm ... and the TTIP can become a reality.
The veto and meat products derived from animals treated with hormones peter ramm and growth promoters until now banned in Europe rebelled, as well as the use of these substances here, with the consequent ent impact on our health.
In the United peter ramm States, pigs and cattle BOV be medicated with ractopamine, a feed additive used as drugs to achieve greater bait the animal and more economic benefit for livestock industry . At Uni, the use of this product and the import of animals treated with the same eastern prohibited, as in 156 other countries such as China, RSSI, India, Turkey, Egypt, considering that there are insufficient data to rule allowing risks to human health. In other 26, including the United States, Austrlia, Brazil, peter ramm Canada, Indonsia, peter ramm Mexico, Philippines, is used.
The same happened with the use of bovine somatotropin peter ramm hormone used mainly in dairy cows to increase their productivity and get between 10% and 20% more milk. However, several are side effects associated with handling animals (infertility, peter ramm inflammation of the udder, increased growth hormone ...) and their impact on humans (some studies linked to it an increased peter ramm risk of breast cancer or prstata and the growth of cancerous cells). From here the European Union, Canada and other countries to ban their import food if the animals treated. Although well, others like the United peter ramm States, especially the use. Incidentally, the American company Monsanto, the transgenic seeds Nmer u, s the only market that sells this hormone, named

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