Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A global food system in crisis and the effects of climate change are pulling ground decades of prog

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<Previous | Next> The escalating prices of basic foods and the effects of climate membuat ragi tempe change permeate pessimistic forecasts last report Oxfam The global food system is bankrupt '
A global food system in crisis and the effects of climate change are pulling ground decades of progress in combating hunger, according to a new report released by Oxfam. According to the NGO must transform the way we produce and share food. The document 'Growing a better future' predicts that the price of staples like corn, because today the highest point, will increase more than double in the next 20 years. The most affected the poorest people on the planet already currently membuat ragi tempe spend 80% of their income on food. With the presentation of the report, Oxfam launches campaign 'Grow' that aims to uncover governments that their policies are favoring this phenomenon worsens and the group of companies marketing food to benefit the situation, as in the case of Cargill food crisis in 2008 increased 86% profit, while this new wave of speculation is on track to achieve record profitability.
The document prepared by Oxfam identifies the symptoms of faulty food system: growing population suffering hunger, does not increase yields, there is a struggle for fertile land and water, and in the years to follow the rising food prices. The report warns that we have entered a new age of crisis where depletion of the earth's natural resources and the impacts of climate change, growing in number and intensity, further drag millions of people to hunger. membuat ragi tempe The text predicts that by 2050 demand for food will increase by 70%, and yet the capacity to increase food production is declining. The average growth membuat ragi tempe rate in yields has been reduced to almost half since 1990 and is expected to be reduced to less than one percent in the next decade. With the presentation of the report, Oxfam launches global campaign 'Grow' which advocates a world where everyone has enough to eat today and always. The initiative to uncover those governments that their policies are holding this broken food system and to uncover the powerful and small group, between 300 and 500 companies that benefit from the situation and make political pressure to maintain the status quo . For example: membuat ragi tempe Trading: Four companies control the marketing of most foods in the world. Three of these companies, Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge and Cargill, control about 90 percent of world trade in grain. Its activities contribute to the volatility of food prices and this benefits. During the first quarter of 2008, at the height membuat ragi tempe of a global food price crisis, Cargill's profits rose 86 percent and the company now track to achieve its most profitable year on the basis of future interruptions in the global food supply. Examples of India and Guatemala Guatemala: the paradigm of inequality applied to the food system. While one in two children under five suffer from chronic malnutrition, a figure that rises to 70% among indigenous children, membuat ragi tempe 80% of productive land is in the hands of 8% of the population. A tiny elite enriched crops for export while children lack access to sufficient food and quality. At the other extreme, 5.6% of children suffer membuat ragi tempe from obesity, most of them concentrated in the city. India: Despite doubling the size of its economy between 1990 and 2005, the number of hungry people in India increased to 65 million (more than the population of France) for its economic development excluded the rural poor and social protection schemes failed in the task of protecting them. Today, one in four hungry people in the world live in India. United States: US biofuels policies are in 2010 almost 40 percent of corn production in the US would stop engines instead of stomachs. The

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