Monday, July 7, 2014

Concerns remain idli making machine about corruption and the Croatian economy. Following these issu

The European Union officially gave Serbia the status of candidate country for membership in the bloc in recognition for more than a decade democratic idli making machine changes in the country after the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic. Corruption, weak economic growth and the effects idli making machine of the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 90s continue to affect the Western Balkans and a desire to join the EU. Following a brief overview of the European perspective of each country in the region:
The communist regime collapsed in Albania in 1991, a country that has a population of three million people, joined NATO in 2009, progress towards the EU, however, was thwarted by concerns idli making machine about democracy, organized crime and corruption. Albania applied for the status of candidate country for EU membership in April 2009, but was refused idli making machine twice, most recently in October last year, because of weaknesses in the functioning of its democratic institutions, including Parliament and the judiciary. Albania joined the list of countries that enjoy visa-free travel to the Schengen zone in 2010
Bosnia and Herzegovina has not yet applied for EU membership. After the war in Bosnia in the period 1992 - 1995 the country was divided into two autonomous regions that are under the supervision and control of international peace missions and peacekeeping forces under the leadership of the EU. Progress of Bosnia is weak due to the opposition idli making machine of the three communities in the country - Serbs, Croats and Muslims, which they needed 16 months to agree on a central government produced after October 2010 elections.
Visa-free idli making machine travel in the Schengen area began in 2010, but the reforms are delayed because of conflicting views about the future of the state. The new government says it hopes to apply for EU membership in July.
On July 1, 2013 Croatia should become the second former Yugoslav republic to join the EU after Slovenia. State of 4.3 million people separated from Yugoslavia war period 1991 - 1992 she completed accession talks with the bloc last year after deepen the fight against organized crime and corruption and has made progress in territorial dispute with the Member idli making machine State EU Slovenia.
Concerns remain idli making machine about corruption and the Croatian economy. Following these issues idli making machine conservative government lost elections in December last year, which came to power left coalition idli making machine that promised painful reforms to revive the economy.
Kosovo hopes to join the EU, but it is expected to be a long process. The country, which has 1.7 million idli making machine people, declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but by the 27 member states of the bloc's 22 countries only recognize the new state. More than a decade idli making machine after the NATO bombing of Serbia and the withdrawal of Serb forces from Kosovo, the area continues to be monitored by NATO peacekeepers (KFOR) and in 2008 by police and legal EU mission (EULEX).
Organized crime, corruption and massive ongoing tensions between the Albanian majority and the Serbian minority investors hinder and delay the development of the country. Kosovo government must extend its authority in northern Kosovo, where Serbs dominate and which continues to function as part of the Serbian state.
Macedonia is a candidate for membership in NATO and the EU, but progress in these processes is hostage to the longstanding idli making machine name dispute with southern neighbor country idli making machine - Greece. Athens objects to the use of the name "Macedonia" because according to her it brought territorial claims against the Greek northern province of the same name. Ongoing UN-sponsored idli making machine negotiations almost two decades has not led to an agreement.
Macedonian government meanwhile began holding open nationalist policy which diplomats hostile Greece and the EU. It also runs the risk of distancing alabnskoto minority in the country, representing 25% of the population, a decade after the Albanian rebels idli making machine took arms to fight for greater rights and representation. If he wants to join the EU, Macedonia will also need to do more to fight corruption.
EU grant Montenegro in 2010 the status of candidate country for membership in the bloc. Country should start accession talks in June, if he can make progress in the fight against organized crime and corruption. Mediterranean country, which has a population of 600 000 people already use the euro as their official currency. The moment they begin accession negotiations, they will begin with some of the most challenging issues for Montenegro as the rule of law, judicial reform, human rights, corruption idli making machine and organized

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