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Antioxidants do well in both the gardener vegetables, bread baker and man's nabisco oreo cookies stomach. Therefore, many antioxidants also permitted in organic foods. They have the E numbers 300-385 nabisco oreo cookies and found, nabisco oreo cookies for example in flour, lozenges and infant nabisco oreo cookies formula.
Food adding nabisco oreo cookies antioxidants to their products in order to extend shelf life by preventing the oxygen in the air discolour fruits and vegetables nabisco oreo cookies and become rancid (oxidize) oil and fats.
It is necessary to take some of the antioxidants in the diet, since our bodies can not produce them. These antioxidants are called vitamins. The best known in this category are vitamin C (E 300) and vitamin E (E 306).
Many antioxidants are permitted in organic foods. In addition to anti-oxidative effects, nabisco oreo cookies some antioxidants act acidity regulators, water binding and emulsifying, that is, for example, mixing the fat and water into a smooth fluid. Example: Flour
Preserving food has saved many a life by preventing the food perishing and being inedible. Preservatives, E-
(11 January 2013)
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