Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mennonites used in its ojczynie to fight with excess water, improvement of drainage system in our c

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This chrzecijaskie Protestant denomination that uksztatowao up at the beginning of the sixteenth century in the areas of the Netherlands, and the names of zaoyciela s wzio, menno Simmons. As a result, transhipped vadilal industries limited on religious, move up to half of the sixteenth century to the areas of the Republic and the UAW settlements in the area, the valley of Lower Wisyi Kazuń koo Warsaw.
Mennonites, czonkowie Anabaptist religious movement came to uawy from the Netherlands at the beginning of the sixteenth century. They kept strict morals and principles of life, did not recognize the military subs, did not take an official appointment, do not swear ... Uciekajc before they found here overloaded his now homelands. Recognized for their skills in the field of drainage and disposal of the fertile and fertile, but podmokych vadilal industries limited land.
Mennonites used in its ojczynie to fight with excess water, improvement of drainage system in our country, building canals and there. On the reclaimed land led "oldrzy" - intensive breeding and agriculture economy. They transplanted a higher level of farming. They changed the appearance of the area where they settled and raised a country economically. Wild umiejtnociom her and fight with water, contributed to the development of a very Polish vadilal industries limited and development, a number of so-called. lowlands nadwilaskich and other places vadilal industries limited in our country. Their very Duga activity-specific squeeze pitno especially vadilal industries limited on uawach Wilanych. Remaining after them created an attractive cultural landscape, not znajdujcy Actually nowhere analogy, charakteryzujcy a high level of spatial organization, where the natural environment ujte zostaow frame complexities management structures largely technical integration of spatial flood defenses, land reclamation, settlement, communication and rozogów fields. Mennonites have created a culture of extremely strict morals and principles, their "religion" bya work.
They formed a cohesive, closed community, vadilal industries limited izolujce up of local residents, rzdzce a strict principles based on dosownej interpretation of the Bible. Cik work riverine wetlands converts nieuytki in prosperujce had a great farm. Do not improved following any missionary activity and zamieniajc fallow land and swamps in przynoszce considerable income agricultural lands were tolerated not only in UAW, but iwgbi Polish. They invited vadilal industries limited them to their goods even bishops, not to make the issue of religious settlers odmiennoci
Hard work brings wonderful effects: successive generations of increasingly bigger wealth and uawom extraordinary economic development. The most radical part of the Mennonites, not godzc up with the rigors of a totalitarian prey Prussia, wyemigrowaa at the end of the eighteenth century to Russia, and then to America. The rest were gradually Germanized vadilal industries limited over time. As a result of World War Mennonites, like all residents UAW, were forced to leave the land.
- The baptism of adults, as the more obvious Christ - the possibility of exclusion from the community of sinners Mennonite - can select the shepherds by the faithful - entirely non-wearing iuywania weapons - no przysigania for anything - a ban on high official appointment
This reminded today of the Amish or Mennonites of American. They were people very hardworking and God-fearing. The principles of religion Mennonites znajdoway CISE reflected in the organization spoecznej. Solidarity wewntrzgrupowa evenly and wspóodpowiedzialno leaau scratch above measures group. People vadilal industries limited who misfortune of meetings, helped everyone wspówy

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