Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fire and smoke in the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa is a common sight for astronauts. The rook

All of us might have at some point played with fire - well done daring, artful formed relationships, lied about something - but kierangs's fat from frying - in exactly that same fire that looked so nice to play with.
But what is REALLY fire? It's not a solid, nor a liquid, nor not a guest. It has no mass and you can not on a scale weight. Fire is not really shop selling out of date food materially not. And yet it is something.
The people of antiquity thought shop selling out of date food everything tangible consists of only four elements: fire, air, earth and water. In reality, however, about a hundred "building blocks" (elements) in the universe, but fire is not one of them.
Or so it is in most of the cases. Carbon and oxygen are not even always necessary for a fire. The acetylene gas, a compound of hydrogen and carbon that is used for welding, for example, put on some light and temperatures shop selling out of date food of heat even though oxygen is not present. And some types of metals can be in the less active nitrogen gas fire.
The flames that you see when you look at the burning of coal in the fireplace look, glowing particles of carbon from the coal rises. A flame can be a conglomeration of red-hot dust in the air. They glow when they are in touch with the hot gases in the combustion process shop selling out of date food are formed.
It incidentally interesting that the salts of different metals have different colors to give a flame: sodium yellow, copper shop selling out of date food care for blue, strontium and barium raise red causes a green color, a few. These different shop selling out of date food color properties of elements are very useful in the manufacture of fireworks.
The share of fire in the development of human civilization was enormous, to say the least. Under the man's first applications shop selling out of date food of fire was the cooking of food and burn away of forests for hunting. It is also used in religious rituals, and the first industrial application was for pottery.
In Greek mythology, the demigod Prometheus on a day fire on Mount Olympus the gods stole it in a hollow reed into this world. Someone has written that Prometheus is no better gift to man was chosen. We can, after all, no human existence without fire imagine.
Among the very first Fire Brigades in history were those in ancient Rome. The Romans first slaves as firefighters, but they did not really gedeug not, and later the vigiles (shepherds) came Rome five centuries protected from fire.
Parts of the country seems to be anyway extremely "flammable", shop selling out of date food if one may put it that way. The Portuguese discovered the sea route to India, Vasco da Gama, it centuries ago noticed during his berth along the South African coast. The smoke from the fires what he saw, such an impression shop selling out of date food on Da Gama that he land the Terra Fume (Land of Smoke) called.
And the first governor, Simon van der Stel in 1687 a decree that any founder of a wildfire shop selling out of date food ugly suit had if it was his first offense. If he was a second time so would violate the reckless piromaan had punished with death is. (Imagine if this law still in force!)
In February 1869 a bushfire a national disaster in South Africa. A total of 480 km from Swellendam in the west to Montagu in the east alight stood. Hundreds of farm houses were destroyed, 31 people were killed and thousands of cattle and countless wild animals were killed.
In the residential areas were particularly fires earlier shop selling out of date food a great danger in our country. This was because most houses had thatched time. In 1710 a fire destroyed the town of Stellenbosch almost completely in ruins after a thatched roof caught fire.
Within a few hours the Stellenbosch church, the council building and all but four houses burnt to ashes. The fire hazard, the governor of the Cape people banned in the streets to smoke.
Fire and smoke in the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa is a common sight for astronauts. The rookpluime be carried away by laevlakwinde not. Instead of rising smoke and spread evenly above the fire out - that from space to "rookpannekoeke" look. Some of the fires were hot enough to small cumulus clouds on top of the smoke support (the fluffy white clouds in the middle of the "pancakes").
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It's quite interesting shop selling out of date food about the history of fire (or prevention!) In old South Africa to read. Never thought that fire was a problem in those days, but now it sounds like it's a big issue was for our ancestors. : Lol:
You know how Zeus punished shop selling out of date food for Promotheus? He was alive to a rock tied where a giant eagle every day his liver destroyed, and then his liver grow back through the night ... just

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