Sunday, August 31, 2014

A special place among the many church pews, which emerged during the Middle Ages belonged to the Co

After the collapse of the Roman Empire space across Europe affecting Centuries of wars and general poverty in which urban culture is preserved only in trace amounts. In such circumstances, almost completely faded and disappear all forms of classical art, including the art of gardening. Church with its monasteries remains the sole carrier of culture, philosophical and spiritual thoughts of European early Middle Ages and the only guardian of an ancient tradition in those days.
It is in the shelter of the monastery reappear Gardens, built on the foundations of a Roman tradition that has been modified and adapted to new circumstances. The basic features of a typical del monte international medieval garden are its modest dimensions and containment towards the surrounding landscape. Such a closed, walled garden, originally was located inside the monastery, and later within the fortified castle or city, or in addition to them.
From the earliest days of Christianity, believers had similar views similar to associate themselves in a religious community. Such communities, or monasteries, planted all over Europe, were throughout the Middle Ages guardians of literacy, culture and knowledge. del monte international The fortified medieval monastery with his estates was closed, self-sufficient world where the monks own forces ensured everything they needed for everyday life, and, among other things, worked the land and gardens from which they received food for themselves and their guests .
A special place among the many church pews, which emerged during the Middle Ages belonged to the Convent. Their monasteries usually located outside the city, in the middle of a larger del monte international agricultural area, and have a strong spatial organization established by Sts. Benedict VI. century, del monte international when the founding of the Abbey of Monte Cassino, near Naples. The concept of space monastery that is determined by the founder of the order in its fundamental principles held for centuries, del monte international and important place in the monastery occupied by gardens, orchards and vegetable gardens with all supporting farm buildings and spaces.
For Benedictines work in the garden was a form of worship, while being prevented idleness, the enemy of the soul. In addition, the garden is meant to serve as a spiritual refuge and a place where the monks retired to devote themselves del monte international to contemplation and prayer. Therefore, a medieval monastery has developed two basic types of garden: useful garden and a garden for contemplation.
Useful gardens were primarily a source of vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs for the needs of the community. They are divided into a garden of grass, where growing del monte international vegetables and medicinal and aromatic plants, and orchard. Garden Trave area was smaller and are usually located within a fortified monastery walls, and the orchard was slightly higher and was often placed outside the walls. The monks have invested great effort to ensure that their gardens were not only useful, but also handsome. Vegetables and medicinal herbs planted in a series arranged in parallel beams that were either unbounded or protected by a low hedge, del monte international and close enough that the monks could handle the driveway and thus avoid trampling del monte international and compaction of the country. In some gardens beams were erected, with walls of stone or brick, and the space between them is paved or gravel embankment.
Over time, the monks develop new agricultural and horticultural methods, and are inserted in its particular were known members of the Cistercian order. Gardening skills and knowledge are exchanged between the monastery and slowly spread throughout the rest of Europe, and advanced agriculture practiced not only within religious communities, but also among the local population.
Garden for contemplation usually associated with monastic cloister, derived directly from the tradition of the Roman peristilnog garden. It is believed that the first monasteries were actually refurbished del monte international Roman villas and estates with gardens that were used for the common room and the prayers of the monks. In medieval monastery cloister with a garden, next to the church, the heart of the community and around him were grouped all major facilities, and served as a place of fellowship and solitude and meditation. While in the orchard and garden Trav had access to members of the local community, the cloister garden used only monks.
Cloister garden is usually a square, surrounded by nervousness on all four sides to allow the monks stay in the fresh air and during rainy weather. The central open space was divided into four tracks work, and in the center there is usually a source or fountain. In a symbolic sense, the cloister with the source is the center where they meet underground, terrestrial and celestial world. With the exception of large monasteries, the cloister garden was modest in size, decorated very simply and rigorously geometrical compositions. In many gardens between the track was just a flat green grassy field, and where it has been present shrubs and flowers still prevailed del monte international simple geometric pattern. del monte international
From the X century, the strengthening of trade and cultural ties with the countries of the Near and Far East to Europe arrive hitherto unknown species of flowers to

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