Friday, October 18, 2013

It might interest you Who was notorious killer: Has the mystery of Jack the Ripper? cara membuat sa

New affair UK - pork instead of beef |
While the UK is ongoing affair connected with horse meat sold as beef, the horizon is a new chain of supermarkets because "Vejtroz" announced a recall of frozen beef meatballs that are found traces of pork.
After the call the Food Standards Agency cara membuat sayur asin in the UK sent to all major suppliers of meat to carry out urgent tests on all beef products for the presence cara membuat sayur asin of horse meat sound chain supermarkets "Vejtroz".
British Agency for Food Safety said yesterday together with a British police investigation into a butcher English and Irish factory suspected of being suppliers of veal kebabs and burgers that are found traces of horse meat.
The scandal erupted on 31 January 2012, when the fast food giant Burger King has revealed that some of its products were contaminated with horse meat. Then on January 16 Irish agency for food safety that British supermarkets are supplied cara membuat sayur asin beef burgers with traces of horse DNA, when sales dropped ten million packages to 4th February ceased cara membuat sayur asin production in another Irish production company cara membuat sayur asin meat.
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