Monday, October 28, 2013

# 1 Dora Thank you, that sounds great. Some time ago, here

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I drink for my life like butter milk, every morning a pint. I moved to the U.S. five years ago, and have found to my amazement that buttermilk is totally unknown as Getrnk here, so at least in Colorado, which acidified reflected in the fact that my Buttermilk consumption cashew nut shelling machine is taken by the Americans with naked horror and amazement cashew nut shelling machine unglubigem note. Buttermilk is used herein solely for baking. For the famous Buttermilk Pancakes especially. Accordingly, the stuff is expensive, and in many supermarkets cashew nut shelling machine often do not yelow. (Digression cashew nut shelling machine aside: Judging such as ihop in one of these American Frstckslokale, Buttermilk Pancakes are served a mountain cashew nut shelling machine of, but you ask about getting simply proffers as Getrnk this basic ingredient in a glass, you only reap shrug . although cashew nut shelling machine we make Buttermilk Pancakes comes to the doctor, but do not have Buttermilk. Hmm, yeah, bit strange, right?).
On my eternal search for verfgbarer and affordable buttermilk, I just experimented with it once in my desperation to make the stuff yourself. And was shocked at how incredibly easy and foolproof that works. Simply pour some finished (purchased) buttermilk in a glass or Plastikgef, auffllen with normal milk, umrhren well, let stand about eight to twelve hours loosely covered at room temperature buttermilk cultures accomplish their work leave - and voila - the complete Gefinhalt has turned cashew nut shelling machine into knotless, delicious buttermilk.
LSST repeat the process, again branching from the homemade buttermilk cashew nut shelling machine a little bit, auffllen with milk, completely turn into buttermilk and so on ad infinituum to any size. The buttermilk culture LSST, an infinite weiterfhren, only for the start you must use butter milk one last time purchased.
And since regular milk only about a third to a quarter of butter milk costs here and of course everywhere in vast quantities is verfgbar, I have solved both the cost and the Verfgbarkeitsproblem endgltig.
Who wants to know: I mix about 200 ml of buttermilk in a liter of regular milk. That goes with any kind of milk, fat free to whole milk, depending on Geschlackslage. I'll take the 1% milk. Also, I try to avoid the whole thing can come into contact with metal (is supposed to be bad for the crops), and therefore to a rhre Holzlffel.
# 1 Dora Thank you, that sounds great. Some time ago, here's a tip for making your own yogurt, which was based on the same system. Makes sense actually. Thank you for experimenting and above all, that you let us share it. I will definitely try it and have also just because the basis for this. It must be made cold during the process or it can be outside the refrigerator? Where is read everywhere in the world FM, but class.
# 3 Cally class, I try also. I know the method of yogurt and got it already so often made. On the idea of buttermilk I did not come (as so often you get the simplest things not ...) - many thanks!
# 4 adgxv2000 Dora, the process works only at room temperature about 20 degrees. The hotter, the faster we go, but to warm it should for reasons of hygiene course ni

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