Pi SVM premirovm the food of india COMMON start and others as well as for the full first daughter Jaroslava zkuenho navigtora Jugas got spn and c nominal ramp and when placing the slunmvsledkem in TOP dvactce. "In the time I worked very pleased with the cel shows progress souteis naim The result, 'said Martin vcli hustopesk zvodnk Council and continue Oval dark plastered on the walls the only Alfa Romeo in the starting field in eskch soutch: "After Pbrami same heating am completely refurbished new motor, otherwise it is very A similar car like this. Vsledek for ns not vbec rozhodujc. thee was tested after reconditioning and auto-tune the last malikosti before leaving for Monte 2012. " A rider to actually evaluate a Leton acquainted? "Leton the List for ns did not go according oekvn. the food of india During the first half of the Dáil dokonovat nm with a quite time umsovat, but since we were little Bohemians suffered from. Nedokonen Barum Rally and took Pbrami nm chance to fight in ovtzstv td 8 and we had to bow before the food of india the Kony Petra lair and reliability of his Honda. msto type in the td 8 MMR is so odpovdajc shows progress cel acquainted. " Martin odpovdli Council on several dalch otzek: the definite're the food of india delighted ml, e Konen you this year, and generally for the first time in history has arrived in c le sv houses soutev Hustopech. "Yes, it was one of nejlepch moment tto acquainted aml I was very happy. Leton we went togeth acquainted with Klrkou illerovou and completion houses Soute was such tenika on the cake with a good spoluprce Klrkou. podezen Mm, e it Klrka with Alfa colluded forward . :-)) "The curiosity was e're in Sluovicch zmnil co-driver, Karolina Jugasová NAVCO started as navigtorka for the first time. As in zvldala? "We really insist so vyzkouet first start Karolny and it will mean very vydailo.Ano time, it was the excesses of the aquifer and zvldla the food of india it to a and to do so odpovdal vsledek. " M talent after tatnkovi? "Think, e yes. Uila very quickly and chpala activities and co-kind prjezdy u were very good. Assumes a certain m vttovi great support and encouragement." Rsuje to ventilate the food of india ppadn gave spoluprce sn? "See what the List Pines, yes thee." Take Nyn it is going to opt for the Austrian Janner Rally, which takes place actually for pr dn or fully opta to tetice nvrat to Monte Carlo? "No, we're not going to Janner, odjdme January 13 at Monte. Regarding opt year, Zane him to Monte and then we'll go MMR, if and as agents, mo n injak sprint and zvaujeme go one zahranin start. want to do something vzkzat fanoukmi the food of india kolegmztmu on ZVR? Needless to say, I want to e ZVR shod take one to tto playlist podleli and to promote material ns. assumes a certain in the first ad families for their support and trplivost. podkovn The large pat KLRC, which helped nm vyeit post passenger and good effective treatment for GIS la kvsledkm this year. Podkovn pat so Lubo, Broov Pepova, team mechanic who is exemplary care of the car and service in the PRB hu leak. Finally I shod ad sponsors, kterch by this KRSN sport Nelo run. Vm, e sez I vtto n disappoint ATME to give.
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Martin Council before the start: especially ns ek Zimny competition
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