Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pt pair Agrotec start racing team of Martin Jaroslav Council Jugas the famous Rallye Monte Carlo to

Pt pair Agrotec start racing team of Martin Jaroslav Council Jugas the famous Rallye Monte Carlo to a particular neskonil as vichni TEAMMEMBERS ore ida steak fries darkness had hoped. ore ida steak fries ervenobl Alfa Romeo 147 slid vzvru RZ5 Rosans Ste Marie La Charce the track.
Martin started the Council on Monte for the first time in 2009 avcli finished 21st revenge. Last year, when Fourth ore ida steak fries Ronk completion of which was 24th in the general classification pka WRC and vtzstv the handcart group N (t da 8). A to podobnmu The result assumes ore ida steak fries a certain young hustopesk alfa nakroena even in the edition Ronk, who has not entered provzelo dn Poas. ALWAYS from 68 pairs to start them on Clove ramp before knecm thumb in Monaco come off just 40 Agrotec Racing Team rider pipedstartovnch debatch naznaoval, by e pt spn zdoln Rallye Monte Carlo esp definitively uzavelo one stage of its aquifers. And in Monte Carlo, and piznv, e nejnronj be a leak in the WORLD ampiontu would not start with VCE . For kadhi, who rides rally, the Monte Carlo Great concept. ore ida steak fries Does not know anyone ore ida steak fries who would try it nechtl. That is why we STMEM launch a 2009 season first in this kultovnmzvod, vzpomn Martin Rada. Kad Ronk is the Monte jin. Kad is ventilate obtn manner. ore ida steak fries In the past thee Quantity snow, this year again large quantities of water and lots of vytahanho blta. I therefore was ALWAYS start a new vzvou was inimitable, unpredictable, dodv hustopesk rider. In the edition Ronk Martin Jaroslav Council Jugas clzvodu, his first Ronk took place before VCE than a hundred years ago, nespatili. The reason for this was havrie in RZ5. Nejvce ore ida steak fries took the lion's rear side. Otherwise, it is not so large RNA was not. Protective RMA gave VCI are in a horseshoe. When we got zpkopu ore ida steak fries car on the road, we started up and drove at least for the nearby Flying cl own power, described the Principality ztrty Martin Rada. A first this incident Notni pozmnil originally full of hustopesk stje. And therefore, W, e to the Council for Martin were the last to start slavnmzvod. I was very disappointed after vpadku. Navcz of e we ended at so early. Ovens only I chtls Monte rozlouit to clov ramp at monackho inches. Takevezstv Open a udlm maximum for me to put the season opt to launch a startup Rallye Monte Carlo 2015 Martin hopes the Council.
The Council Jugas eskokrumlovsk cl nespatili
January 15, 2013 16:33
Vysoina Rally 2007 Rally 2012 Rally Krkonoąe Agropa Paejov 2011 Rally Sumava Rallye 2011 Vysoina Klatovy 2012 VALAŠKA Barum Czech Rally 2012 Rally 2011 ZLN 77E Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo 2009 77E Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo 2009
Nejnovj gallery Rally Italia Sardegna WRC 2014 - FIFA world of, Fronk Honza Rally Italia ore ida steak fries Sardegna WRC 2014 - FIFA world of, Maschl Vladislav Pewag Eagle Mountains Rally 2014 esk rally, Vojtchovsk Radek

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