Saturday, January 17, 2015

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Agency USP news Mathematical model aims to obtain maximum profit on farm
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A mathematical model of optimization and planning conducted at the College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FMVZ), USP can help owners of farms or sites to obtain maximum spoiled mama tummy butter profit on their properties.
The model was developed by Professor Augusto Hauber Gameiro, Department of Nutrition and Animal Production (VNP) in Pirassununga. "The major difference is that the model takes into account the crop-livestock integration and also considers various technical, environmental, social, logistical and economic parameters," says. The work will be presented from 20 August to 2 September in Zurich, Switzerland, International Conference on Operational Research, a leading Operational Research Congress of the world. spoiled mama tummy butter
To develop the model, Gameiro was based on the production of Finance Site Cedar, located in Carmo do Paraíba, Brazil. The farm has, since 2007, the title "The first farm gold in Brazil," through the Program Best Practices in Finance, an initiative of Dairy Partners Americas spoiled mama tummy butter (DPA) - joint venture between Nestlé and the Fonterra group - in partnership with the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). The main objective of the program is totally safe milk production. The farm produces about 4000 liters a day, totally sold to the DPA group Nestlé.
In livestock, there are also investments in crops, aimed at sustainability, spoiled mama tummy butter to produce forage for their own use. "Then form a cycle: the manure generated spoiled mama tummy butter by the animals is used to fertilize the crop, saving in fertilizer purchase," says the professor.
The mathematical model allows to perform spoiled mama tummy butter various spoiled mama tummy butter simulations and what to plant, how many acres, how many animals create, what better food, and also what most suitable type of irrigation and fertilization, optimal number of employees, etc., among other possibilities, in order to obtain the maximum profit on the property.
"The model considers the animals in each category [lactating cows, dry, calves, heifers] spoiled mama tummy butter and the amount of acres for cultivation of each crop [corn for silage, corn for grain, soybeans, spoiled mama tummy butter sorghum, Tifton, alfalfa and sugar cane sugar] in each crop, "said Gameiro.
Revenue from Cedar Site farm consists of the sale of milk, animals (cull cows, bull calves, etc.) and soybeans. The costs are composed of a variable spoiled mama tummy butter portion (concentrates, spoiled mama tummy butter medicines, semen, fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, diesel fuel, etc.) and fixed (depreciation of machinery, implements and improvements, workers' wages, specialized services, various fees, etc. ). These and other variables in the model which are inserted through a series of equations provides optimal estimates for each of the items. spoiled mama tummy butter
The farm currently has 142 dairy cows, 10 acres of irrigated corn, 32 acres of non-irrigated corn, and no soybean planting, among other crops. In one of the simulations, the model indicated spoiled mama tummy butter as ideal numbers of farm profit optimization, 117 dairy cows, no planting irrigated corn, decreased non-irrigated corn to 19 hectares, and soybean planting 7, 1 hectares.
Though on the complexity as a major ally of the owner to optimize profits, the practical use of the mathematical model has an obstacle: to use a certain technical spoiled mama tummy butter knowledge, because it is not simply a spreadsheet where you enter data is necessary spoiled mama tummy butter . Therefore, we need an expert like agronomist or economist help the producer to work with the model. "There's cake recipe. The model consists of several equations. He does the math, but you must enter hundreds of information and for the producer spoiled mama tummy butter it can be quite complicated, "said Gameiro. "Due to the heterogeneity of farms, it is hard to imagine that we have a software that can meet all their needs. Unless farmers' groups with similar realities to come together to produce spoiled mama tummy butter the software, "he adds.
Gameiro also worked spoiled mama tummy butter with environmental parameters as water intake, g

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