Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What is the best dog food? Your pet will sleep comfortably in a pet bed Warmer Veterinary How to

Warning: green beans, heinz del monte fcu potatoes with green spots and rhubarb are poisonous to guinea pigs! Special treats guinea pig is a great idea to reward your pet, but be cautious about how you hand these out. It's like candy and can make for a very unhealthy animal heinz del monte fcu fat and if you are too generous. Remember to notice the package heinz del monte fcu treats heinz del monte fcu made especially for guinea pigs. Oats and dry cereal Cheerios, as also good treats heinz del monte fcu for guinea pigs. Remember, you can always use fresh produce as a healthy alternative. Another very fatty and dangerous foods are seeds and nuts. Guinea pig you simply should never be fed seeds and nuts as they can choke on the shell and the fat content is too high. If you want to put a salt wheel in the cage your guinea pig will enjoy nibbling on it from time to time. Do not worry about the guinea pig eat a lot of salt, because I will not do that. A wheel of salt is not necessary, just a perk so do not worry if you do not. A well balanced diet animal comprising at least one serving of fresh produce daily, a constant supply of hay and protein. If you are near expert on the nutritional heinz del monte fcu content of foods, you can make as some owners and just feed the guinea pig hay and fresh produce you. Most people should stick to two to three ounces of pellets to provide the right amount of protein in their diet cavy. Here is a list of foods to avoid your guinea pig: Lettuce Iceberg. This has no real nutritional value. You're better off buying kale or cabbage for your pet. stalks of celery. The fibrous pieces are difficult for your guinea pig to digest. Cut celery heinz del monte fcu into smaller pieces before you give to your pet. shelled or seeds. Guinea pig you can easily choke on the pieces of shell. Also, be careful about the Indian sticks treat fever sold in pet stores heinz del monte fcu because they often contain shelled seeds. rhubarb, beans, potatoes or green spots. All of these are poisonous to your guinea pig. Plants such as hyacinths and daffodils ,, poppies buttercups and others are poisonous heinz del monte fcu to guinea pigs. Do not feed your guinea pig any dairy products because they are lactose heinz del monte fcu intolerant, which means that their body can not process heinz del monte fcu properly everyday products. Excess calcium will cause guinea pigs to develop kidney and / or bladder stones. If you accidentally feed your guinea pig something from the above list, which is poisonous to go to the vet immediately. If the food you ate is not poisonous, just watch him or for signs of disease. heinz del monte fcu The ultimate compliment for a good diet is plenty of exercise. A spacious cage and at least 15-30 minutes of floor time a day will prevent your guinea pig from becoming too fat. Want the secret to fun, friendly and sweet smelling guinea pigs that your kids will love? Click here to download for FREE!) Related Articles - guinea pig, hamster, guinea pig toys, guinea pig cages, guinea pig veterinarian, information on guinea pigs, guinea pigs for adoption, guine,
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